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No it is not. Some things just fall.

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Q: If a picture falls off the wall is this is a bad omen?
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What does it mean if a picture falls off a wall?

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as a sign or omen. Unless the picture was of someone specific and of significance to you personally I would not take it too seriously. That said there is a superstition that says a picture falling from the wall, for no apparent reason is the omen of an imminent death, however, the glass in the picture must shatter for the omen to be believed as true.

Is omen a bad word?

The word omen is not a bad word

What does it mean when a cross falls off the wall?

The nail was bad.

Is it good or bad omen if bees come and make hive out side your house?

This can be a good or bad omen. If you don't like bees it is a bad omen however if you appreciate their role in nature it can be a good omen.

Is losing gold a good or bad omen?

It's not an omen it is carelessness or bad luck.

Are bats a good or bad omen?

In different societies and cultures, bats have been regarded by some as a "good omen" and others as a "bad omen".

Is a red moon a bad omen?

It's a death omen

Crow is bad omen or good omen?

For their dark color and tendency to feast on carrion (especially after battles) crows are generally considered a bad omen

Can a bad omen be a man?

Yes an Omen can come in many forms.

Is finding gold a good or bad omen?

It is not any kind of omen.

Is a dead fox a bad omen?

There is currently no evidence to support that a dead fox was either a bad or good omen.

Is it a bad omen when you see a hawk on a road sign?

It's a bad omen if you keep looking at it instead of the road.