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Yes and no. The urine turns yellow because of the presence of the excess B2 vitamins. Your body has absorbed what it is using the excess has been diluted and expelled in the urine.

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Q: If b vitamins make your urine yellow is the dosage too high?
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Can high fever cause bright yellow urine?

Urine is the mode in which the body releases toxins, so it is possible. It could potentionally, and more likely an explanation, be vitamins or any medicine that you ingested, flushing through your system.

Does taking multi vitamins turn urine yellow?

I take vitmain B conplex, and it makes my urine a BRIGHT yellow, almost neon, and no it's not just a couple hours after first taking them, it's the whole day, and as long as you take them. I only take the pill once a day, and it make all urinations the same color. I knew about the whole not enough water thing, but it's not a dark or deep yellow, it's BRIGHT and VIBRANT, and nothing to be alarmed about.

Does bright yellow urine mean you failed a drug test?

no. bright yellow urine means you are dehydrated. which is a common symptom after you get high, that's why before a drug test u want to drink as many fluids as possible to flush through your system. which usually makes it clear. beer tends to work because it flushes your system quickly. -I have never heard of it meaning you are dehydrated, but I know for a fact it is the vitamin b12 leaving your body that causes the urine to be bright yellow.

Does Spirulina help for sex?

yes..spirulina contains high amount of vegetables protein,minerals,vitamins and makes the body healthy ..healthy body means healthy sex ..but dosage should be in limit

If the sperm has a yellow tint does that mean there is a high sperm count?

nope. just urine that was in ur urethera, nothing more nothing less

Is dark yellow urine normal?

Urine consists of urea (the smelly, yellow/green part) and water. When dehydrated, your body attempts to conserve as much water as possible. It therefore increases the ratio of urea against the water, so there is a lot of urea, and not much water, this results in green/yellow urine, with a strong odour. This is perfectly normal, as long as it is not happening on a regular basis. If it is occurring very often, then you could be ill. Also, if you are drinking large amounts of water, but not urinating often, or your urine is yellow with a strong smeel, then you should get it checked with a doctor.

What is the diagnosis for cystinura?

When the urine contains extremely high amounts of cystine, yellow-brown hexagonal crystals are visible when a sample is examined under the microscope.

What is the diagnosis for cystinuria?

When the urine contains extremely high amounts of cystine, yellow-brown hexagonal crystals are visible when a sample is examined under the microscope.

How widely available are Shaklee vitamins on the high street?

Shaklee vitamins are widely available on the high street. Shaklee vitamins are manufactured by Shaklee Corporation which is known as a leading company for selling vitamins in the US.

What is the meaning of dosage range in medical terminology?

Dosage range is the typical high and low doses that are safe and effective.

Where can I find vitamins for high blood pressure and what types are there?

You could simply visit for a website that has the vitamins listed. This should fufill your question.

What does it mean when a urine test states you have high urine content?

If you mean like high amount of urine: Polyuria. If you mean like high amount of particles inside the urine: High specific gravity = your urine may have high levels of glucose, protein, bilirubin, urobilinogen, or/and a lot of mucus, crystals, bacteria, and tissue/blood cells.