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If the 16 year old has a job and can be self reliant, she could file for an emancipation hearing with the local court. If she was emanciapted, she would be on her own to do what she wants to do.

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Q: If both parents have custody of a 16 year old who want to move out and one parent wants to help what can they do?
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No, legally a minor has no choice in the matter.

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You need to have BOTH parents sign if they have joint custody.

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If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.

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If you are divorced and granted custody that court order is valid unless the other parent (or the state) get custody for whatever reason (if both parents become unfit etc). And custody lasts until the child is 18. You can not get a guarantee from the judge that you as a parent will have custody until the child is 18. There are 2 parents and according to the law both are allowed to seek custody of their child.

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Joint custody is a court order whereby custody of a child is awarded to both parties. In joint custody both parents are "custodial parents" and neither parent is a non-custodial parents, or in other words the child has two custodial parents.

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The court care about what is in the best interest of the children and just because one parents had an affair does not mean they are unfit to parent. It can be shared custody or one get it. The court wants the children to have access to both parents. The affair will not be the thing that decides custody.

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That's up to a judge, but why would it matter?

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Both parents must consent. The god parent must petition the probate court to be appointed the permanent guardian of the child in order to obtain legal custody.

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If both parents have joint legal custody, both parents must agree on the child going to boarding school. If one parent made the decision with out the input of the other, this would break the custody agreement.

From what I read both parents must sign temporary custody for it to be valid. If parent with custody signs over temporary custody to a non relative can noncustodial parent step in and take child?

Not without a a first right of refusal in the current custody orders, or custody modification

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.