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No. In pet stores the fish do not have lights on 24/7 as you said anyway,

Fish do not have eyelids so they cannot shut their eyes to sleep, this means they need pure light to see and pure darkness to sleep.

I keep the light on for something like 6-9 hours per day and leave the light of at night so my little fishee wishee's can get some sleep. Its good for the tank to look pretty as with the lights but just think; if you had to try and sleep with lights beaming down on you??

Hope this helps


also if you have an aggressive fish (like i do) ex Florida gar fish, piranha or Oscar leaving the light on 24/7 can irritate them and actually make them more aggressive

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Q: If you bought a fish from a store that has lights on 24-7 should you put a light on the fish at night?
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