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Yes you will mess up your body doing this.

If you want to lose weight you must exercise and eat a well balanced dite. Anything else and you will mess up your body.

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Q: If you starve yourself and take antacids will you still mess up your stomach?
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What is the pH level of antacids?

The pH level in your stomach is between 2 and 3 which is an acid. The antacids bring the pH level up to a 5 or 6 which is not quite neutral but is still less acidic.

What part of the digestive system do antacids work on?

Antacids work only in the stomach and pylorus, where the powerful stomach acid secretions can cause irritation and damage to the tissues. Ordinary antacids neutralize some of this acid to reduce discomfort. However, damage (e.g. ulcers) can still occur. In the duodenum, basic secretions including bile from the liver neutralize the acid pH.

Im 10 and you weigh 90 pounds should you be starving yourself?

Its never a good ider to starve yourself!!! you are at a normal weight for your age and if you are still worryed take part in a sport like soccer or tennis,

When you have bulimia but you dont make yourself throw up you just do does it affect you?

yes, it is still the same concept. still throwing up. still stomach acid burning your throat. yes, it does effect you.

If you starve yourself and develop good exercise habits when you go back to eating will you still gain it all back Even if you continue the exercise?

If you starve yourself, and go back to eating, you will never go back to eating properly, because of the phyciatric problems you would have. But possible if you develop good eating patterns along with exercise, you will have a good feeling and will Not gain any exess weight if you do it properly.

Can you eat one meal a day?

"yes my moms done it b4 it depends on ur regualr intake of food " Actually when you eat only one food a day your stomach with shrink (what you want? NO) when your stomach shrinks and you starve yourself you body will take the food you are eating and turn it into fat. Your body goes into a panic mode and will store the food incase you decided to starve yourself again. When you do start eating normally again your body will continue to store the fat. By the end of the crash diet you end up gaining more in the long run. I hope that helps. i thought about doing the same thing last year until i read about what the body does... if you are trying to lose weight eat foods like celery your body burns more fat to eat it, or watermelon which is mostly water but still has important nutrients Good luck!

How many calories should 13 year olds take in?

as many as they want because you have to enjoy your teens and don't be scared if you are a little overweight you can get it off again by starving yourself you should never starve yourself! it can lead to anorexia which i myself have experienced and I'm still trying to fix it searching the web right now!!!

Is the stomach stapling procedure still performed in the US?

Stomach stapling is still used in the United States. It is effective, especially for obese individuals.

How much weight can you lose in three days by not eating?

actually if you starve yourself your body automatically goes into a reserve emergency state actually storing more fat and calories so which means that you still gain weight. But yes you can still loose the weight though but it's faster when you exercise and drink plenty of water

What has no lungs or throat but still roars?

My stomach

If you eat healthy and do stomach crunches every day how can you tell if your stomach is muscle or fat if it still sticks out?

If your stomach hardens when you flex, then it is muscle. if you can still push your finger into some soft tissue even when ur flexing, then u probably still have some fat on your stomach. but that doesn't mean its not also very strong underneath.

Is the stomach connected to the liver?

No, although the liver and the stomach are right next to each other they are still separateorgans