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Q: If you try to tell someone something and they keep walking and ingnore you what is this behavior called?
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Is a cat walking a innate or learned behavior?

It is completely a innate behavior, that's like asking if we walking is innate or learned

How do you know someone is high?

They may have bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, weird behavior, loud or lower than normal voice, dizziness when walking.

What should you do if you think that someone is watching you?

If its someone in a car when your walking home from school or something like that tell the police or your parents. If its someone at school jokely ask them why their staring

Is eating and walking a learned behavior in humans?

Yes, eating and walking are considered innate behaviors in humans. While these actions can be refined and improved through practice, the basic ability to eat and walk typically develop without requiring explicit teaching or instruction.

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It is "To Instill Awe". And it means to amaze someone with awesome ability, like walking on water or something like that.

Is it wrong when your girlfriend talks to her ex and makes you talk to him?

It is weird for your girlfriend to make you talk to her ex, but you might ask her why she engages in this behavior. You might find out something important. But, yeah, the whole scene is pretty weird. You might just consider walking away and find someone less freaky.

What are some of pandas learned behavior?

Eating bamboo,Walking,Roaring( i believe )

What song is this it goes like I think walking (I think its walking) (something) in love (something I can't hear but it matches doo doo doo) walking (something) in love doo doo doo and its a boy?

*boy and girl duet

Is it safe to walk behind a tractor or not?

It most likely is safe to walk behind a tractor. However, if someone were to walk too close behind the tractor and not pay attention to where he or she was walking, he might get his/her feet caught in something. All in all, if someone were paying attention, walking behind a tractor does not seem hazardous.

Can an 11 year old get a real job?

Something like mowing the lawn or walking someone's dog:)Paper route, don't forget the paper route.

What does Caminais mean in Spanish?

"Caminais" is the second person plural form of the verb "caminar" in Spanish, which means "to walk" or "you all walk."

What are the signs if someone is drunk?

Walking wrong