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Pregnancy causes an increase in white blood cells in the blood like illness does. This is what causes a temperature increase. Therefore an increased body temperature may mean you are pregnant, I had an increased temperature and sweating during my pregnancy.

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Q: If your BBT temperature is really high at the time you should get a period but your period is really late could you be pregnant?
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Can taking a pregnancy test during your period tell you if your pregnant?

Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.

What are the symptoms you should feel if your on your period and maybe you are also pregnant?

If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

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If you're pregnant, then you won't get your period

Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!

How should you know if im pregnant?

Miss period?

If you think you are pregnant and then get your period should you be alarmed?

No, that just means you aren't pregnant idiot.

Can you still be pregnant and have a regular period?

No. If you are pregnant and bleeding you should contact your Dr immediately.

Does black blood clots instead of blood for your period mean your pregnant and if it smells really really bad?

Black blood clots do not relate to whether or not you are pregnant. You should see a doctor if the clots are bad. In general, if you are on your period/ losing blood, you are not pregnant. The smell and color mean you may have an infection It may also be an viral STI (as opposed to just bacterial).

Can a girl get her period a day after she has been inseminated?

If she was pregnant it would be highly unlikely for her to get her period, however if she wasn't pregnant she should still get her period like normal.

I'm 12 and haven't started my when should my first period begin?

If you have not had a period ever you can't be pregnant. If you have had sex and have a period you might be pregnant. Talk to your mom.

Is missed period have a meaning of pregnancy?

No, a missed period is not complete confirmation of pregnancy. You should see a doctor, or at the least use a home pregnancy test.