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I'm not sure it's abuse, but it is very wrong. And a sign that he has serious trust issues. He should really get some help. That is not heathly for a person to do. And it is illegal for him to break into your house. You should fix this problem before you start planning to get married. You may need some couples counseling too.

Would you break into someone's house to find out if they were cheating? His behaviour is strange, controlling and violent. Are you sure you want to marry someone like that? I would be scared if someone did that to me.

Think long and hard before you say "I do".

Breaking and entering is a crime. All crime has victims and, therefore, all criminal acts are abusive.

The motivation - why the criminal commits the crime - is usually immaterial. But, in this case, it only makes it worse:

Your boyfriend committed a crime (abused and victimzed you) because he wants to control you and possess you - another abusive type of conduct.

Run for your Life!!! He has not only committed a crime - He is well on his way to trying to control you which is just one part of ABUSE. Escape NOW -before any legal, marital entanglements or CHILDREN are involved.

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Q: If your boyfriend broke into your house to look for evidence that you were cheating is this a form of abuse?
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