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The Michigan statute of limitations for a criminal charge of a minor in possession of alcohol is limited to the minor becoming 18 years old. Once the minor becomes an adult the charge will no longer be valid.

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Q: In Michigan is there a statute of limitations on a criminal charge of minor in possession of alcohol?
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How long does a MIP of alcohol stay on record in Michigan?

A conviction of minor in possession in Michigan is a criminal conviction and stays on a person's record forever in Michigan. The only way it won't is if there is a successful motion to set aside the conviction.

Georgia state statute of limitations probation violation for internal possession of alcohol for a minor?

In Georgia, the statutes of limitation for internal possession of alcohol for a minor is four years. The consequence for probation violation depends on the circumstances and could include fines or imprisonment.

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Is possession of alcohol considered a felony or misdemeanor?

How much does a minor in possession cost in Missouri?

Not knowing if he question refers to alcohol, controlled substances such as prescription drugs or illegal substances (marijuana, meth, etc.) it's not possible to estimate. However, all penalties assesed to criminal acts are based on other factors in addition to the original infraction, such as the alledged perpetrator having a previous criminal record, whether other persons were injured or endangered by the action, and so forth.

Is a DUI a criminal offense in Michigan?

Yes, driving under the influence (DUI) is considered a criminal offense in Michigan. If a person is caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) above the legal limit of 0.08%, they can face criminal charges, fines, and potential jail time.

How are you punished for an mip ticket in gratiot county Michigan?

There are state laws regarding how someone can be punished after receiving a "minor in possession of alcohol" ticket in the state of Michigan. In Gratiot County, MIP tickets are handled by the 65B District Court.

Can you get sited for possession of alcohol when there is no alcohol in the car?

Maybe.... did they see you throw it out of the vehicle or - were you near enough to it so that you were in "constructive possession" of it?

What happen if get a possession ticket?

That depends, possession of what? firearms? marijuana? cocaine? Alcohol?

A family friend who is 22 gave my 14 year old alcohol what can I do legally?

Report them to the police for possible criminal charges. Depending on the state, there are numerous charges that could be brought, such as Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor or Providing Alcohol to Minors. While there are laws against anyone under 21 from purchasing alcohol, there are many states with exceptions for consumption in private settings and family gatherings. Michigan has a zero tolerance for possession, consumption, purchase or having any bodily alcohol content for anyone under 21.

Minor in possession of alcohol in Pennsylvania?


What are the punishments of underage possession of alcohol in Iowa?

you must be 21 to drink alcohol

How do you get out of a alcohol possession charge?

Only way would be to convince the judge (or jury) that you weren't in possession of it.