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As an alternative, why not ask for Joint Physical Custody of your parents?

Tell them that you want to remain in a home, and each of them there for three weeks, than switch. Once night a week, the parent not in residence takes you out to dinner or some other activity. While in the home, the resident parent does not date, or have overnight guests, other than relatives.

On the off weeks, the parent rents a room, stays with relatives, their friends, or they can split the cost of a two bedroom apartment, with each having their own bedroom.

The priority here is you not having your life disrupted by their choice not to be together. Their lives are equally disrupted and they split the cost of your home.

The support amounts each parent are obligated to provide for your care can go into a TRUST FUND. From the trust fund, expenses for the home and your standard expenses, are paid.

All this follows in accordance with Federal Laws dating back 100 years as regards Trust Funds that have been established for guardians to draw from when parents have been killed in an accident. Also in cases involving child stars (The Coogan Act-1939) where the law is designed to prevent their parents from spending the money for their own uses.

Any money left in the account would collect interest and be available for emergencies, or special expenses, such as part of the cost of a car, or a college education.


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Q: In state of llouisanna what age does a child choose which parent he wants to live with?
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Age 18

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