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Q: In what states are the most migrant workers found?
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Where did the migrant workers live when they were in the 1950's?

Migrant workers in the 1950s often lived in temporary housing called labor camps or migrant camps provided by the agricultural employers where they worked. These camps typically consisted of basic accommodations such as barracks, trailers, or tents. The living conditions in these camps were often overcrowded, lacked basic amenities, and were harsh for the workers.

What was an oakie during the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl states were suffering from dust and debris damage to their crops as well as property. Many people fled to California and other states. These migrant workers were called Okies, since most from Oklahoma.

What state was most populated with migrant workers during the great depression?


What happened to most migrant workers when they arrived in California?

So you have that webquest too huh?

What is the main reason that most migrant workers can't find permanent work?

The main reason migrant workers cannot find permanent work is because they have little to no education. Thus, they do not a skill in which they can make a living of.

What did migrant workers do?

most on them worked for land owners and harvested crops whenever they needed to be harvested.

How much of California's agricultural commerce is supported by the labor of migrant workers?

most of the the California farming industry would crash down because of the loss in migrant workers so they would have no one who could pick the crops out of the feilds

How did the US expansion to California affect most Mexican ruling class?

They lost their land and became migrant workers.

Where was the Chicano movement of the 1960s most active?

In the rural Southwest where migrant workers suffered from crushing poverty (APEX)

What jobs did migrant workers have in Salinas CA?

ranch hands were the most frequent jobs back in the early 1900s

What do the California landowners fear most about the migrant workers?

Not having enough of them to get crops cultured and harvested in a timely manner.

Who harvests many of the crops grown on farms in the desert southwest?

Many of the crops are harvested by migrant farm workers, most of them from Mexico.