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Actually, It is possible, you can be in love at 14. I'm 14, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, we know what love is, but you need to watch very closley.any questions.add me.x__emokidx__@hotmail.comaim= carlieisthesex

Absolutly not! you are never to young to experience with love. there are many happy couples out there who met in high school and are still happy today. you can never be to sure what can happen. if you and your partner are both commited to your relationship, it is possible. but there are many sacrifices to make. you will really need to understand each other and try your best to make the relationship work, even if it means sacrifice. things will not always go your way in a relationship, so its up to you to work things out and never hold a grudge. even if things don't romantically work out, stay friends. because you never know what could happen down the road. always forgive each other, because forgivness is key. and while love is not guranteed, there is always hope. believe you can make it last, and who knows, maybe it will. how do i know all this? because i to, am 14 and i believe anything is possible. good luck!

Years ago (and some religious beliefs and cultures today) 14 was acceptable to get married, but not true now. Life is fast-paced, demands more from a person, and can be a rough ride. Education is everything now, and life is a learning process.

I believe that 14 is far too young to create a lasting relationship and then consider marriage. A 14 year old is still growing and learning and you can only do these things by tasting what is out in the world (we learn our mistakes, success' and enjoy so many great events out in the world.) Dating someone at 14 is just fine, but usually we have had our "first love" and as painful as it may be we then move on and there are many more people we meet. Eventually, when the time is right we know right off the bat that this is the right person to settle down with. Marriage really should be forever, so you'd better get it right. Marriage takes a lot of work and at 14, having children, it would be extremely hard to support them at such a young age.

Please wait and don't rush your relationship. If you love each other and it is true love, then you should be there for each other in the next 5 - 7 years. Be sure you have had a taste of the world before you settle down.

Good LuckMerry ChristmasMarcy

Tough question. Basically, don't tie yourself to one person and pin all your hopes on him. Keep yourself open to the possibility of many relationships and meeting many people. Don't be tied down. Experience many people before making your decision. In addition, you might be setting yourself up for a major heartbreak. Don't plan for marriage now. Enjoy the present. Enjoy who you're with. Then see what develops.

Yes, 14 is much too young. At 14 you're changing way too much way too quickly. You have no idea how you're going to be at age 20 or so. Don't make long term committments until you're older.

way to youngYes it's much too young at 14 you are still a kid, enjoy being one.
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