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"yes, Indonesia is a democracy"<br /><br />Well, sure. That's what Indonesians believe in, and that's what's recorded on papers. But papers can lie.<br /><br />This isn't a useless little rant. You see Malaysia and Brunei's governments are Islamic theocracies, and they are more stable than the "democracy" we got running in Indonesia. You see, Indonesians claim they have an "Islamic democracy", and just to admit what kind of "democracy" is "Islamic"? Indonesia's governing style, is all of Islamic law aka "Shariah Law" (this is bull). This goes against all the ethics of a democracy. A democracy means "power to the people", ALL PEOPLE. In Indonesia, Christians aren't even allowed to hold oath in high office positions (this is another bull. this apply the same of having a Muslim becoming a President in Philippine or USA. it may happen, but will take time. current highest position by a Christian now is a Province Governor. Christian becoming a Minister is a non issue since long ago). In a democratic nation, you can be president and worship Darth Vader for anyone cares as long as you can keep the rights of the nations and the people's voice at hand. If Indonesia was a democratic nation, the army would be helping those getting persecuted and having their democratic rights oppressed. Christians who preach in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Indonesia get ARRESTED and IMPRISONED (yet another bull. go check the fact. I'm not going to elaborate here). No democratic nation would arrest its people just because they are preaching their religious beliefs to THEIR OWN followers.<br /><br />Also, when churches are getting raided by angry goons, the army just sits back and watch. Then when the Christians run out of their burning churches, then the soldiers shoot and chase after them (Not representing the real picture. Check facts i.e. Malino agreements, etc.). Does this sound like a "demoracy" to you?<br /><br />So yeah, you can forget about calling Indonesia a "democracy". What is really embarrassing is Malaysia and Brunei's governments admit that they are Islamic theocracies, but they don't go chasing after innocent Christians or Hindus like a bunch of goons. In fact, Malaysia even celebrates RELIGION FREEDOM. (Go check with Malaysian Christian Chinese or Hndus first before making this wide claim. In Indonesia at least a Muslim could switch religion freely.)<br /><br />Indonesia is NOT a democracy. This isn't anti-Muslim Propaganda or anything, but Indonesia is an Islamic Dictatorship (Oh, please). Martial law and Shariaw Law combined which is pure H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS. (Is this standard of quality? Bull... For reader who wish to get the answer, better check Wikipedia i.e. History of Indonesia at the Independence section)

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Q: Is Indonesia a democracy
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