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Mr. Obama seems to be working his own personal agenda, and seems impervious to criticism, or the actual wants and needs of the average citizens.

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Q: Is Obama aware I and the Original people The USA Native Americans are also going to lose their lands and freedom if he does not take care of the Illegal Immigrants and Loose Terrorist in this country?
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Was Christopher Columbus an illegal alien or a terrorist?

Answer 1He was both a terrorist and an illegal immigrant according to most Americans (South, Central, and North Americans). However, most United States history books teach that Christopher Columbus was a fine explorer who had fame after death.

How many gay illegal immigrants are there?

This statistic isn't measured, but if there are about 12 Million illegal immigrants in the U.S., then there are about 500,000 gay illegal immigrants.

Are illegal immigrants helping Americans?

Illigal immigrants help to Americans in the same quality and level as they do not help Americans and even by their illegal activities dowing to zero all positive help that was provided. Saing in different but close format: ligal immigrants help to Americans in the same level as they do not help and even decrease by their activities a positive level of help that was provided. The most common reason of positive help that was provided by illegal immigrants: 1. Performing low-intelligence and dirty jobs which are not going to be performed or taken to be performed by local citizens for "laugh-like" salaries proposed and paied by local citizens. The most common reason of negative presence of illegal immigrants: 1. In absence of a job and more or less reasonable conditions to live or in abcence of a desire to earn money by difficult but honest labor - the sharp increase of illegal and lawl-breaking (crime) actions against 1st- same illegal immigrants and following- against local ligal sitizens.

Why do California immigrants not pay taxes?

Illegal immigrants are not paying taxes because they think they dont need to,also because they are ILLEGAL immigrants so they dont what people to find out that they are illegal immigrants!

What percent of immigrants are illegal?

The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S was estimated at 11.5% in 2011.

Why did the Dream Act Bill for illegal immigrants fail to pass in the Senate?

Illegal immigrants should not have a dream! They are illegal and should not be here!

What are two things the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act accomplished?

it penalized employers who hired illegal immigrants

Why do people treat illegal immigrants like if they were criminals?

Some people view illegal immigration as breaking the law, which is why they may treat illegal immigrants as criminals. There is also a belief that illegal immigrants are taking jobs and resources away from citizens, leading to negative perceptions. Additionally, there can be fear and misinformation surrounding immigration, further fueling negative attitudes towards illegal immigrants.

What is a discrimination?

Mexican Americans are sometimes called illegal immigrants and are told to cross the border by white people and puerto ricans are called "spic" by Irish Americans and other white people.

How many illegal immigrants in australia?

The Australian Population is mainly filled with illegal immigrants. To calculate the non-illegal immigrants you must take into consideration the population of Aboriginals from the population of Australia.

What types of jobs to illegal immigrants have?

Illegal immigrants can have any job, but most illegal immigrants have very little education so they tend to go for low income or harsh jobs. Some common jobs are in the Construction, Dairy, Mechanic, Fast food, Farming, Gardening, Janitor, and more. Jobs that most Americans won't do (although they claim they will, but few do) will usually be occupied by illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants with a high education (Bachelors, Associates... etc) will have a hard time finding a job without papers, so they usually have to do jobs way below their educational level.

What stops illegal immigrants?

Borders are put in place to help stop the illegal immigrants from entering other countries.