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A judgment is against specific things.

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Q: Is a judgment against everything that you own or are judgments against specific things?
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Related questions

If you can not pay a judgment against you is it better to file a bankruptcy?

Hope you had a lawyer defending you against the judgment suit. You can use one now. Many, if not most judgments will not be discharged in BK.

Can you be put in jail for not paying a judgment against you?

No. Judgments for debt owed is a civil matter not a criminal one.

What is the statute of limitations on getting a judgment against you for a car repossession and how can you find out if it has already been done?

Call a LOCAL attorney for state specific advice. Check at your local courthouse for the judgments records.

You have gone with a debt settlement service In NC what protection do you have against a judgment?

None. Only bankruptcy provides protection against lawsuits and judgments.

Judgments - can a judgment be filed on a gifted property?

Yes. Your ownership status is just the same as if you had bought the property. Any legal judgment against you can attach to the property.

How common are deficiency judgments in Florida?

Deficiency judgments are fairly common everywhere on large houses. The more the amount you owe on a house, the more you are likely to have a judgment filed against you.

What steps do you have to take in detail to file a judgment?

A lawsuit must be filed against the debtor/defendant in the court of jurisdiction. If the plaintiff wins the suit a judgment will then be entered against the defendant. Judgments can be executed against the property or wages of the debtor in accordance with the laws of the state in which the judgment is awarded.

How do you stop lawsuits or judgments against you by creditors?

The only option for stopping a lawsuit and/or obtaining relief of judgments is filing bankruptcy. Otherwise, once a creditor has filed a lawsuit against you and you receive notice of the hearing, or recovered a judgment against you, you cannot stop the process.

If you are judgment proof can they take my car 2000 neon?

The answer depends on your state's laws regarding executions of personal property for unpaid judgments. In general, a judgment creditor cannot execute against a vehicle if it is your primary source of transportation. Contact an attorney in your state for specific information on your case.

How we find out if there is a judgment against our property?

The local register of deeds should have an index of liens, foreclosures and other judgments against properties recorded there (for the municipality or county).

How do you get a judgment against someone you loaned money to?

In order to procure a judgment against someone for debt, due process has to be followed. Filing a lawsuit in the appropriate venue,(usually Small Claims Court). Obtaining a hearing date, going through the hearing/trial process and being awarded a judgment. Then the judgment has to be enforced which also has specific steps to be followed. Consult court procedures governing lasuits and judgments for your state of residency.

Judgments - can they take your house?

While any judgment can attach against real property, only a judgment and decree of foreclosure can result in the foreclosure of real property. Decrees of foreclosure are only added to judgments as a result of non-payment of a mortgage or deed of trust, or other security instrument.