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Q: Is a vaginal irritation and a watery discharged and little burning a sign of herpes?
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Could lubrication used during intercourse cause vaginal burning?

Yes, vaginal burning can be caused by lubrication, that is why most lubrications say to use a spot test on the skin prior to using the product. If the burning does not go way within 24 hours or so, I would high-tail it to planned parenthood or your local doctor and get tested for herpes, clamydia or hpv.

Can the irritation from using condoms trigger a herpes outbreak?

Yes. Any skin irritation can trigger a herpes outbreak. You should check to see what is the cause of the irritation - latex? spermicide? lubricant? It may be as simple as finding a different condom that is better tolerated.

What cause little red bumps around the vaginal opening?


What type of herpes do you have when it itchs?

All types of herpes cause itching or burning. This is true for oral herpes, genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles.

Which std has symptoms similar to a yeast infection?

Both trichomoniasis and herpes can cause genital irritation.

My Partner Says I Gave Him Herpes But We Was Only Kissing Now He's Saying That He's Lips Is Burning. Do He Really Got Herpes?

He needs to have a blood test to determine. If you were "only kissing", and you have herpes, then it is very possible that the virus was transfered to him. "Burning lips" does not constitute a diagnosis of herpes though. There are other symptoms associated with the virus such as blisters. Go to a doctor, get tested.

Which sti does the herpes simplex virus cause?

Herpes typically affects the mouth (causing cold sores or fever blisters) or the genitals (causing the eruptive disease herpes). Symptoms usually include: Itching, burning and or tingling around the infected area. Swelling Fever and or flu like symptoms. With genital herpes, burning pain when you urinate. Raised blisters or open paper cut like sores.

What are vaginal lesions?

Vaginal lesions are sores that are located inside or outside of the vagina. There are several causes of vaginal lesions; which include herpes, HPV, bartholin gland cysts, or sexually transmitted infections. Follow up with a physician is recommended if you display these symptoms.

How can you get rid of small itchy red bumps almost in the crease of your vaginal lip and thigh?

Might be Herpes see a doctor...

How do you do you have herpes?

Signs of herpes are itching, burning, or painful bumps that occur anywhere on the skin. If these bumps occur, see your health care provider promptly for accurate diagnosis.

Sores that look like tears around my vaginal opening and hurts when I touch it gently and it burns when I pee?

it is probably should get it checked out

Is it normal to have whitish creamy discharge I am unsure if I am pregnant I am 31 and had spotting this month?

Vaginal discharge may be normal or abnormal. Normal vaginal discharge is usually physiological and causes no discomfort. Abnormal vaginal discharge may be caused by infections or lesions in the cervix (cervicitis) or in the vagina (vaginitis or vaginosis).Cervicitis is more serious if due to an infection and it is therefore more important to exclude it to prevent complications such as Tubal Infection and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Cervicitis of infective origin is commonly due to STDs such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoeoa, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Genital Herpes. Non-infective causes of discharge from the cervix may be due to cervical polyps and intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD).Abnormal vaginal discharge may commonly be caused by trichomoniasis (TV), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). TV and VVC usually produce additional symptoms such as vulvar irritation, redness, rash, swelling, and discomfort.In the case of TV and BV, there is also an offensive odour. VVC is characterised by a combination of any of the following complaints: vaginal discharge, vaginal soreness, vulvar irritation, vulvar excoriations, vulvar burning, and painful intercourse. The discharge is typically cottage-cheese-like in character but may vary from watery to thick. Odor, if present, is inoffensive and minimal.