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It IS bad to use it in social situations due to the fact that it's degrading and offensive. All forms of the words are disrespectful and or vulgar, obscene, defaming, rude, crude, and unacceptable and often refer to sexual acts or other such activities. unfortunately, due more to choice than to rights of the people, many people use it. most times out of context, especially in the northern US. as for social consequences: the use of profanity ,whether your angry or not, can cause many things... fights, wars, loss of friends/loved one, and even death. Not only that but it only proves that whoever said it... is antisocial and can't control their mouth. Some examples of places: cities, states, establishments you will often hear these used in are: New York, Chicago, Boston, restaurants & bars, grocery stores, and even in schools( What are they thinking?!) in the end, it all come down to choice, make the right one and don't use it, especially in public, it could even cost you your life.

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Q: Is it bad to use profanity. what are the social consequences of using profanity?
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