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Women especially have an uncanny sense of impending doom or "something isn't quite right." Mothers of children can sometimes know something is wrong with their child long before it happens or two people that are very much in love and have had a few years together can tell when one or the other is not doing well or something terrible has happened. Some women can have ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) into many things and it's because most women show their feelings opening and are extremely aware of the way they are loved and what is happening in their environment. Sometimes it's called a "gut feeling." When living in an abusive relationship you get to know the moods of your abuser and the very fact they get out of their car in the driveway and walk up to your home can tell you a lot. Body language says it all! Even a tone of their voice can clue the victim into knowing their abuser is "in a mood" or a "bad mood." Even when the abuser has a good day and is overly loving towards their victim the victim can cringe in fear from their mate knowing full well they will have to come into contact sexually with their abuser (there is a fire burning below in the victim and it's called ANGER) and the victim feels unsafe, angry, yet knows if they reject their abuser they can change his demeanor into one ugly mood. Don't walk on egg shells around an abuser or put up with any abuse from ANYONE! When he isn't home go out to a pay phone and call your local Women's Abuse Center for help and if you can't find one then call your local Mental Health and they will send you through the right channels. If you have children let them know. They will guide you on how to plan on leaving your abusive mate. If you stay it will only get worse! Great comments from the above poster! Sometimes this foreboding comes in a different guise. I used to be so confused about what was right and wrong. My abuser had me believing that I was wrong about so many things. He convinced me that I was flawed and delusional. What truly scared me was the thought that I could have my world turned upside-down to realize that I was so screwed up. Of course, this was not the case. I am still unraveling the knot of confusion that my abuser planted in my mind. It was like living a 'real life' sci-fi story. My ex would also take on an evil look. I would catch him glaring at me with such a look of hatred that it was truly scary. When we made eye contact, his face would change to a smile in an instant. Gave me the creeps. When I asked him about it, he denied it. I began to question if it was real or not. It was little things like that that could give me the willies. These things, the lying, the abuse and manipulation escalated until I thought I was truly losing my mind. Now he has lost me...FOREVER! I will never go back. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOU GUT FEELINGS! THEY DO NOT LIE! GET OUT!

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Q: Is it possible for an abused woman to have impending feelings of fear when she is living in an abusive relationship?
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if you are in a abusive relationship just don't stay with them say that you don't feel the spark in the love and that you want to move on.

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Barring incurring amnesia, it is impossible for a past abusive relationship to not have some effect. Definitions of recovery are, then, not absolute and are thus subjective. Some (but not all) abusive relationships create serious problems for the victim: nightmares, depression, possibly suicidal thoughts or irrational feelings of "the relationship will get better, (the abuser) and I will be happy if I become a better lover for them" that cannot be shaken, etc. Some might define having recovered, then, as no longer being plagued by these serious problems.

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Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

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If someone is in an abusive relationship forever, they're going to get killed or injured. So I think its best to be single forever.

Can you get out in abusive friendship?

Yes, absolutely. It's important to prioritize your well-being and safety. You can seek support from loved ones, a therapist, or a helpline for guidance on how to safely exit the abusive friendship. Setting boundaries, expressing your feelings, and ultimately distancing yourself from the toxic dynamic can be important steps in ending the relationship.