

Is it possible for fetus to stop and start growing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes due to an infection called rubella

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Q: Is it possible for fetus to stop and start growing?
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Is it possible for a fetus to stop and start growing again?

Yes, especially if the mother has not been managing to eat enough. The fetus does go through phases of growing and not growing

Will you stop growing if you'm 13 and am 5'8 and a girl?

medically you never really stop growing until our 21 however it can be possible to stop growing at a younger age

Is there any possible way proven or not to stop growing at the age of 13 im already 13 and 5'7 please help?

No, there is no possible way proven to stop growing at the age of 13.

How long after a start your period will you stop growing?

We grow until we are 21 years old, but it can stop earlier then that, but some people stop growing a lot earlier but that's probably not your case. Sometimes we stop growing after two years after you get your period.

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genetics, and possible environmental factors.

I am 13 and only 4' 10 when will i start growing?

Your already growing scientists say you stop growing at 25. also i recommend milk

Can you stop growing as early as age 12?

It's possible but it depends are on your family's genetics.

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Yes definatley and so does coffee but you have to start at a young enough age or it does not do anything.

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Dude that's so totally awsome!

Why does your menstruation stop when a woman is pregnant?

Menstruation is what happens when a woman doesn't get pregnant - after ovulation the uterine lining builds-up in preparation for possible pregnancy, if a woman doesn't get pregnant then menstruation occurs to shed the uterine lining so it can start fresh next cycle. During pregnancy the uterine lining is busy keeping the growing embryo/fetus safe, and women no longer ovulate.

Is it true that if you start lifting weights at the ag of 13 - 15 that you can stop growing?

No way!

Can you still get taller after you start your periods?

About two years after your first period is when you stop growing.