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No, the children will be happier if you and their other parent are happy and treat them well. I come from divorced parents and I'm sure I am better off because they divorced and got along afterwards, and gave us all lots of love.

'You shouldn't even have a "solid relationshsip with someone you love" if you are already married. My advice is to return to your marriage and BUILD the love - it can be done! Arranged marriages in other countries work all the time because they HAVE to.

[Comment: That's the whole point. But if you're lucky enough to live under conditions that allow more freedom, you shouldn't comply to moral ideas that came into existence under living conditions that no longer apply to yours. The only reason to do so is to oblige yourself, because you'd either never forgive yourself for breaking up a marriage or you prefer self-sacrifice and dreams to fulfillment and reality.]

When you married your current spouse, it was for better or for worse. This may be one of the worse times, but it is not impossible to share an even stronger love with your current spouse than the one you have with this other person. You won't be "sacrificing" your current extra-marital relationship because it couldn't possibly be as solid as you say if you are already married. In this day and age it is all too easy to toss a comittment in the garbage, but that is not how it was meant to be. Do this world a favor and be one of the moral ones'.....

To this reply , why don't you say it shorter.....that she should 'PUT UP AND SHUT UP!'How can you make judgments on a situation or a person you don't know enough about?

If there weren't children involved, then my advice would be a "no, don't sacrifice your new love."

However, just because you have children with your husband, and you've left him, that doesn't end the relationship with the children.

Is it possible that you (and your "new" man) could move back to the same town/city, or nearby, so you can still visit the kids?

Yes, it will complicate things with the kids, but it's MUCH better than them not knowing you at all, and it is DEFINATELY better than them growing up in a household if there is resentment or ill feeling between parents.

Statistically, 60% of marriages end in divorce or separation nowadays. It's sad, but it's not unusualy and your kids will adapt, and will still love you.

NO! IT IS NOT WORTH IT just for the sake of the marriage. Don't have low self esteem and know your self worth.You deserve to be happy.

It depends on the marriage. Usually if both spouses are mature, and willing to work and sacrifice for each other, they can have a loving relationship once again. If something serious happened, like infidelity, or abuse, then leave the marriage.

You should never, ever try to find another romantic relationship if you're married though. It hurts everyone involved.

Why would you even ask this? Dang!

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Q: Is it worth sacrificing a solid relationship with someone you love and who loves you to return to a loveless marriage?
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