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Yes, same-sex marriage is legally performed and recognized in Connecticut since November 12, 2008.

Civil Unions Conversion:As of October 1, 2010, all civil unions were automatically converted to marriages. Civil unions had been legal since October 1, 2005.
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Yes, same sex marriages are legal in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts was the first state in the United States to legally recognize same sex marriage. On November 18, 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that it was unconstitutional under the Massachusetts Constitution to allow only heterosexual couples to marry. The court found that Massachusetts may not "deny the protections, benefits and obligations conferred by civil marriage to two individuals of the same sex who wish to marry" because the state constitution forbids the creation of a second class.

Same sex marriage enjoys high public support in Massachusetts. You can review the timeline on this very interesting "first" at the related link.

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Q: Is same-sex marriage legal in Connecticut?
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What is a civil union in Connecticut?

Same-sex marriage is now legal in Connecticut. On October 1, 2010, all existing civil unions in Connecticut were legally transformed into marriages. Any civil union performed in another state is now recognized as a full legal marriage in Connecticut.

What part of Connecticut can lesbians get married?

Gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states.

Does Connecticut recognize out-of-state civil unions?

Yes, out-of-state civil unions, same-sex marriages and even some domestic partnerships (the ones that are substantially equivalent to legal marriage) are recognized as legal marriages in Connecticut.

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The state of Connecticut already recognizes out-of-state same-sex marriages.

Can you change your name on a Connecticut driver's license using a same-sex marriage certificate?

Yes. A certificate of marriage, regardless of where it was issued, is sufficient proof of legal change of name for a Connecticut driver's license. The gender of your spouse is irrelevant.

Does the state of Connecticut recognize Oregon state registered domestic partnerships?

Yes. The state of Connecticut recognizes legal relationships substantially equivalent to marriage as legal marriages. Since Oregon state registered domestic partnerships are substantially similar to legal marriage under Oregon law, they are therefore recognized as legal marriages for purposes of Connecticut state law.CT Public Act 09-13, Section 1. A marriage, or a relationship that provides substantially the same rights, benefits and responsibilities as a marriage, between two persons entered into in another state or jurisdiction and recognized as valid by such other state or jurisdiction shall be recognized as a valid marriage in this state, provided such marriage or relationship is not expressly prohibited by statute in this state.

Where is same-sex marriage legal at the age of 16 with parental consent?

In states where same-sex marriage is legal, the minimum marriageable age is the same as for any other marriage. These states permit marriage at 16 with parental consent (without consent requires the age of 18): Connecticut, New York, Vermont, Iowa, Connecticut and the District of Columbia. Incidentally, if you have both parental consent and permission of the court, you can marry at 14 in New York, 14 for boys and 13 for girls in New Hampshire, and at any age (theoretically) in Connecticut.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in Connecticut?

Yes. Although same-sex marriage is now legal in Connecticut and all existing Connecticut civil unions were administratively converted to marriages on October 1, 2010, the state of Connecticut still recognizes out-of-state civil unions and legal marriages.StatuteThe first bill legalizing gay civil unions in Connecticut became law in April 20, 2005, going into affect on October 1st of that year. Further laws were passed on April 23, 2009, which made all marriage laws gender neutral and converted all existing civil unions into marriage. This law took effect on October 1, 2010.

Does the state of Connecticut still recognize civil unions legally performed in Connecticut before same-sex marriage was legalized?

Yes, on October 1, 2010, all existing Connecticut civil unions were converted to legal marriages.

Is a marriage in Cuba legal in NY?

If the marriage in Cuba was a legal marriage then yes it is legal in NY

Does Connecticut honor Common Law Marriages?

No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.

When was marriage made legal?

Marriage has always been legal. Your marriage is legal only if you are legally married.