

Is stomach acid alkaline or acid?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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9y ago

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As the name implies, it is an acid, hydrochloric acid to be specific.

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Q: Is stomach acid alkaline or acid?
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It is alkaline because it is used to help neutralise the acid produced by the stomach.

Are ingejestion tablets a acid or alkaline?

indigestion tablets are alkaline. this is because indigestion is caused by the acids in your stomach not 'behaving' so if you add alkaline to it then the acid will be cancelled out.

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To neutralize the acid coming from the stomach

Is alkaline a digestive juice?

No, in the stomach it is an Acid that helps break down food.

How does antacids help them to reduce the problem of acidity?

Stomach acid is Hydrochloric acid. Antacid remedies are alkaline-based. Adding an alkaline to an acid reduces the strength of the acid. In the case of indigestion - this reduces the discomfort caused by excess acid production.

What things have acids and alkalis in them?

Almost everything. Your stomach has the same acid that is found in a car battery. Alkaline batteries have an alkaline substance in them. Milk is a weak alkaline. Vinegar (which is the base of pickle juice) is an alkaline substance. Vitamin C is an acid. There list is truly endless.

What substance could be taken to neutralize excess acid in the stomach?

Anything that's alkaline in composition.

Can caterpillars get diarrhea?

Well, the caterpillar has an alkaline stomach so that he can digest cellulose and other leaf particles, and people have an acid stomach. In an acid stomach, the spores are killed, but in an alkaline stomach, the spores survive and put out a toxin. So, give the caterpillars a good dose of BT and let the caterpillars R.I.P.

Is milk of magnesium neutral?

It is slightly alkaline to neutralise the acid in the stomach, what ultimately causes hear burn.

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The Brunner's glands neutralise stomach acid and inactivate pepsin by secreting alkaline.

How does indigestion tablets relive pain?

Most of these products help to alleviate excess "acid stomach" by neutralizing stomach acids. The leading products, by and large, contain calcium carbonate, which is an alkaline compound that provides relief by neutralizing stomach acids.

Why are ant acids so called?

It's a contraction of 'anti acid'. Basically it's an alkaline product to counteract excessive acid production in the stomach.