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Look up CleverBot. This is exactly what you are thinking of. It's an online AI (Artificial Intelligence) that learns from people talking to it. It may seem like it can talk like a human, but all it really does is say a response someone else said, but it still feels very human like nonetheless.

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Q: Is there a way to make a program that can interact with you like a human and answer any questions i may have like a human computer but in a computer?
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No. If it was you would have a delete button.

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yes a computer can be simulate like human cognition and in nasa all computers are in human cognition i know it because my brother works there

Are you a human or a computer?

hahaha... your dumb... people answer other people's questions. When you first visit the website before putting in your question look at the website and it asks you if you can answer any of the questions that other people are asking and so many people answer them and that's how you just received your answer to your question ;) human Yes, its actually very fun to answer questions. Although, that would be a sick computer that could answer questions this well. -Another Human

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In some ways yes, and in some ways no. It is possible, given a large enough computer with enough storage, to program a computer to think the way a human thinks. For this reason, it is true that the human brain is a computer. On the other hand, computer programs are not usually written in this way. Why would you want a computer program to give you unpredictable results? Why would you want a computer program to give you erroneous answers?

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A human data input device is one that allows a human to interact with a complex machine such as a computer. Some examples of a human data input device are things like a keyboard and mouse.

Are you a computer tell me?

ummm..... This is one of the oddest questions i've encountered, but no, I am in fact human. Just like the rest of the people who answer questions on this site.