

Is there a way to use electromagnetic waves as energy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

Best Answer

Electromagnetic waves are energy.

Every time you make toast, see anything, listen to the radio, make a

cellphone call, boil water, watch TV, get a chest X-ray, or work on your

tan, you're using electromagnetic energy.

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Q: Is there a way to use electromagnetic waves as energy?
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Which item is not considered electromagnetic energy?

A piece of wood is not considered electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy refers to the energy carried by electromagnetic waves, such as light, radio waves, and X-rays. Wood does not emit or interact with electromagnetic waves in the same way that energy does.

How does energy transfer without a medium in a wave?

The only way energy can travel without a medium is by electromagnetic waves, or in other words, photons.

What is the part of the sun in which energy moves from atom to atom in the form of electromagnetic waves called?

Energy that is conducted via electromagnetic waves is conducted via radiation. The corresponding portion of the sun that moves energy this way is the radiative zone, located between the core and the convective zone.

What type of waves to cell phones use?

Radio, i.e. electromagnetic. They are simply two-way radios.

Electromagnetic waves carry what kind of energy?

It is called electromagnetic energy! But the range of frequencies goes from the lowest which are long wave radio waves, up to the shortest which are gamma rays. On the way it includes infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, microwaves, and X-rays.

Is a transverse wave a electromagentic wave?

No, the other way round: An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave.There are other kinds of transverse waves, for example, the waves on a water surface.No, the other way round: An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave.There are other kinds of transverse waves, for example, the waves on a water surface.No, the other way round: An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave.There are other kinds of transverse waves, for example, the waves on a water surface.No, the other way round: An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave.There are other kinds of transverse waves, for example, the waves on a water surface.

Which waves have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties?

The answer is electromagnetic waves.

What is called the energy that is transfered in waves and rays?

You are probably thinking of electromagnetic radiation, which covers a wide range of frequencies from long radio waves all the way up to gamma radiation. Other types of wave energy are sound and ocean waves, but these are quite different of course.

What can electromagnetic waves can transfer energy without a medium or electric field?

Electromagnetic waves can carry energy from place to place without a medium. Further, any frequency of radiation from a mass transfers energy in the form of waves. As to whether it is with or without a medium is yet unknown and yet to be experimentally proved or disproved.

Is there another way of communicating then electromagnetic energy?

Yes. For example, if we talk, we use sound waves. Other ways of communicating are through electrical signals (currents that travel through cables); by sending letters, as well as a few other options.

Heat transfer by electromagnetic waves?


How are waves used?

You can use them with fishing or when your sailing. it will push your boat/fish round. Also, waves can be used to generate energy. This is a sustainable way to get energy, and is simply known as Wave Energy, or Wave Power.