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A girl usually stops growing taller within a year After her period stabilizes. A guy usually stops growing after he's through going through puberty. So....wear shoes with heals/height-increasing soles.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Weight-bearing exercise and impact loading stimulate bone growth. Generally, three 20 to 30 minute sessions a week are sufficient. If you can and want to do more, go for it! Activities such as walking, running, aerobics or climbing stairs are also excellent forms of exercise to aid in bone growth. You should incorporate calcium rich foods into your diet as much as possible. Dairy products and calcium-fortified foods as mentioned earlier are great choices. Try to get between 1,000 and 1,500 milligrams a day. Do not shy away from dairy products because of the fat content. We now can purchase just about any dairy product available in a low/non-fat version. Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese all come in low-fat or non-fat varieties. Consider vitamin K. This vitamin switches on a bone-building protein called osteocalcin. Experts say 100 micrograms (mcg) a day may be best for bones. Food sources include spinach, Brussels sprouts, roccoli, asparagus, cabbage, coleslaw and collard greens. Stop smoking. Smoking increases your risk because it accelerates the metabolism of estrogen, making less available to stimulate bone growth. Take a vitamin D supplement. For your body to absorb and deposit the calcium you get from food, you need vitamin D. Take a magnesium citrate supplement. This mineral actually makes up part of your bone. Your daily goal should be 400 milligrams. Good food sources include nuts, dried beans, crabmeat, spinach. Fortify with calcium. If you do not enjoy foods high in calcium or suffer from lactose intolerance, look for foods fortified with calcium.

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14y ago

No way in hell there is no exercise or supplements that can increase height after the age of 21

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How can 31 years old grow taller?

At the age of 31, your growth plates have already fused, so there is no non-surgical way to cause your body to grow more.

How do you grow taller in an easy way?

There isn't a possible way to get taller by force, unless you use growth hormones.

Is there any way of getting taller than naturally at 13?

Take up smoking, you can grow up to 4 inches a day

Ways to get children to grow taller?

drink milk it makes your bones stronger and makes you taller or eat yogurt

Are there steriods to grow taller?

steriods dangerous for you to grow taller because it can give you many side-effects. If you want a safer way to grow taller, i suggest you " super-growth height enhancer" it is totally herbal and no side-effects. I used it myself and worked for me.

Is there any way for a 30 year old man to grow taller?

Smaller to taller is a site that specializes in making people taller naturally by up to 3 inches. They show how by following a detailed exercise program and specific sleeping patterns that are scientifically proven to slowly make people taller.

How to stop growing taller?

There is no way to stop growing taller. You will stop growing usually around the age of 18.

How do you grow faster and taller?

you just have to wait for Mother Nature, there is way you can hurry the process

Is Miracle-Growth Arginine supplement a scam or a legitimate way to grow taller?

yes it is

Is it possible to gain height of girl at 19 years of age then tell me tips how to do?

There is not a way for a 19 year to get any taller. At the age of 19 the body has reached it's full height.

Is ther any growth enhancer for kids?

Yes there are many growth enhancers for kids of ages nine and upwards. One of them is super growth height enhancer. But it is better not to take these or the body struucture of the children are damaged when they grow up. The best way to grow taller is to do stretch exercises,drinking milk and not to stress about whether you will grow taller or not.

How do you grow 10 cm taller?

Unfortunately there is infact no way to grow in height immediately or in any safe way. The only way is to stay healthy and eat healthly. This will take long time. There is no way at all to grow in height without some type of plastic surgery or supposedly unnaffective drugs. I advise you to grown natuarally and not to try taking any drugs or use plastic surgery.