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That was the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared Southern slaves to be 'thenceforward and forever free', but only in the states that Lincoln did not control! (He allowed slavery to continue in the four slave-states that had remained loyal.)

Lincoln was not actually deciding to free the slaves. He was making it look like that, so that free nations abroad could not aid the Confederates without looking pro-slavery themselves.

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Q: Lincolns decision to free the slaves?
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What did lincolns emancipation declare?

slaves in confederate states to be free

What did lincolns emancipation proclamation declare?

All slaves in the confederate states were free.

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Lincoln's stated goal about peace after the war was for slaves to be free , and be able to start their own life .

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To say that people should be treated free and equal! To say that blacks should not be slaves! And for them to be free.. But look where that got America..

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It was completely political. He did not free any slaves with this declaration. Slaves in northern states remained slaves.The issue was a growing population of property, black slaves that the north was collecting. Were they people or property? The United States still allowed slavery, so they technically could not be freed. They could not sell the slaves to other northern slave owners without other political fallout, so the logical choice was to free them so they could fight as soldiers.Slavery ended the December AFTER the civil war ended. Lincoln did not live to see this end.

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It was not Lincolns religion it was his policy to flee slaves and to forgive the defeated troops.

What is one of Abraham Lincolns accomplishments?

freed the slaves, won the civil war

In Lincoln?

Lincolns Election was about how he was hated by some people and that he was stupid to free slaves but on the other hand how he died out at a movie theature and it was just like a drive by.But he was such a hero and such a great man.

What's in Lincoln?

Lincolns Election was about how he was hated by some people and that he was stupid to free slaves but on the other hand how he died out at a movie theature and it was just like a drive by.But he was such a hero and such a great man.