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Cramping starts first then the bleeding usually follows not long after or u can have discharge followed by pain, then heavy bleeding.It just depends on the stage in pregnancy

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Q: Miscarriage does cramping start first or the bleeding?
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Are you having a miscarriage if there's no bleeding?

If your not bleeding then your pregnant if you start bleeding in your pregnancy it's a miscarriage

Can you start cramping as soon as you concive?

It is unlikely that you would begin cramping right away. The first cramping you should notice would be around the time of your implantation bleeding.

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

If have been spotting brown and bleeding then after almost a week of spotting you start cramping are you pregnant or did you have a miscarriage?

im 16 and i was supposed to start my period a couple weeks ago and i never did now i am spotting brown blood i was wondering if anyone could tell me what that means

Could you be having a miscarriage if you eleven weeks and you start bleeding?

Yes you could. Go to the doctor.

When you miscarriage does anything come out?

Yes, the fetus and blood etc. Sometimes the fetus die and the cramping wont start so it has to be induced.

Im 9 weeks with severe cramping and clots with tissue like material sonograhm showed partial miscairrage how long will the pain and bleeding and bloating continue?

If it has not been determined that your miscarriage has already begun then it could be anywhere from 4-6weeks before the miscarriage begins. Usually once you start to bleed and pass tissue its only around 2 weeks from that point before a first trimester miscarriage is complete. From what you have described it sounds like you've already begun the actual miscarriage process. So take heart, it will be over soon. I'm sorry for your loss.

Do cramps during pregnancy definitely mean miscarriage?

Cramping in early pregnancy is very normal, a lot of women feel like their period is going to start at any minute. the first trimester is stressful like that with all the different things going on, once you hear or see the heartbeat the chance of miscarriage goes way down. ~pawsalmighty

You are 6 weeks pregnant cramping from the start and just noticed light brown discharge Is this normal?

If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor if you are too concerned.

I have been having somewhat painful cramping for about 2 weeks and started bleeding during intercourse but didnt start my period till a week later could this be a miscarriage or something else?

I would say that its probably something else. With a miscarriage you'll start to feel ill, or have period like symptoms with some spotting (meaning pink-ish, red, or brown vaginal discharge). This will continue for a day or two before the real bleeding starts (usually heavy like a period, sometimes worse, and usually accompanied by heavy cramping). The process of miscarrying (meaning actually bleeding and possibly passing tissue and/or clots) usually takes about 2 weeks. If you started your period a week later, its highly unlikely that you had a miscarriage. Losing a pregnancy will reset your menstrual cycle, meaning that you wouldn't have a period for 4-6 weeks after miscarrying. Painful intercourse accompanied by bleeding could, however, mean that you have a vaginal infection or an allergy to your lube or condoms. If you're still experiencing painful intercourse or bleeding, please seek medical attention.

Is cramping and bleeding 3 days after IUD fell out normal?

Yes, your body is noticing that the hormonal effects of the IUD aren't in tact anymore so it thinks its going to start its normal period cycle. Just like some IUD's cause cramping and spotting when you first get them in, they can do the same coming out.

The emergency Room Doctor couldn't see the baby at almost 5 weeks does that mean that i had a miscarriage?

If you had a miscarriage, you will definitely start bleeding heavily certainly after 5 weeks of pregnancy. ER Doctors are always busy, and will mostly not be focused when the case is not an emergency, in the case you were bleeding and in pain then of course it could have been a miscarriage, best is to try a pregnancy test again, and change hospital.