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Q: Moving out at 18 and still in school is that legal in Michigan Even with a learning disability?
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What is learning disability approach?

There is no such thing as a learning disability. The government claims that there is one because they want to make money off of their drugs that can drastically harm a child's health. ADD or ADHD is just an imbalance of brain chemicals that can balanced very easily by fish oil or by visiting the chiropractor. there is such a thing as learning disability .they have classes in school for students that have learning disabilitties to tought

I am a 14 year old dyslexic girl. Is their a high school for dyslexic children in Michigan?

if the teachers aren't aware of your dyslexia then notify them straight away and instead of moving schools (although there isn't actually a school designed for that specific need in michigan) you can just get some extra help from a learning aid or 'helper teachers'

Can students who have a learning or language disability in English learn a second language?

Yes I have that one learning disability that you have trouble spelling words or write mirror images of letters and I am learning Spanish before that I was learning German but I gave up on that. I am a 10th grade high school student and I am a blonde girl I also have ADD.

If someone is hyper isn't that usually like a learning disability?

no. although these people may struggle in school, it is because the method of learning does not align with the person's needs. hyperactivity is just a problem that makes it a little more difficult to learn. A learning disability is when there is significant impairment in learning directly because of a lack of certain cognitive skills.

What is a learning disability?

A learning disability is a condition which hinders a persons' learning. There are many different types of learning disabilities, ranging in severity from mild to severe. Dyslexia, for example, makes it difficult to read words in a 'proper' manner, causing the afflicted individual strain when trying to read and comprehend material. Some forms of dyslexia inhibit the afflicted's ability to write; what takes one person an hour to write may take another five, depending on the level of disability at hand.A learning disability is a disability that makes it harder for people to do well in school and in life just in general. It could make is harder to read or write or make it hard to concentrate during school. It could make it harder for people to do activities.

In which field would a psychologist conduct a series of interviews and assemble a battery of test in order to detect and diagnose a learning disability?

A. School Psychology

In which field would a psychologist conduct a series of interviews and assemble a battery of tests in order to detect and diagnose a learning disability?

A. School psychology

Is moving schools a good idea?

No, if you have got best friends! school is a bad idea but it is good for learning.

Does Cher have dyslexia?

Yes, she has severe dyslexia, that is also why she left high school at the age of 16.

What is a good vet school in Michigan?

Michigan State is a good vet school in Michigan.

What is Darfield Foulstone School of Creative Arts's motto?

The motto of Darfield Foulstone School of Creative Arts is 'Positive Foulstone, Moving Forward, Learning Together'.