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Not hardly. According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, considered the unofficial presidential statistician, Obama has taken nine vacations since taking office. By the end of August, 2010, Knoller said, Obama willl have spent 48 days on vacation since he became president on January 20, 2009.

According to Knoller, President George W. Bush spent 879 days on holiday during his eight years in office.

-- Considering that there are 105 weekends in a year. 840 of those 879 days were just weekends. You know, when EVERYBODY takes off. Which are counted in that "Stat"

So, Bush took quite a few LESS vacations than you are trying to say he did.

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Q: Obama has taken more vacation then any other president?
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As of the end of 2013, President Obama and his family have taken over 110 vacation days.It is not a record breaker -- other presidents have taken more.

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How many vacation days has President Obama taken in his first term as president?

President Obama has taken 84 days (some sources say 90) during his first four years. This is less than what President Bush took in the same time period, but slightly more than what Bill Clinton took. However, no matter who the president may be, he is never really on vacation-- for example, even when Mr. Obama is in Hawaii with his family, he has to be in constant contact with his staff, and ready at a moment's notice to take action if some crisis occurs.

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While we do not yet have the numbers for the year 2012, we do know that President Obama spent 78 vacation days from 2009 (when he took office) to the end of 2011. By comparison, at the three year mark into their first terms, President George W. Bush spent 180 vacation days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas and President Ronald Reagan spent 112 vacation days at his ranch in California.

How many vacation days has Michelle Obama taken to this date?

180 days

Do whites vacation more than blacks?

I don't believe that you can make any generalizations about that. To pick only two examples, I'm white and haven't taken a "vacation" in seven years, while President Barack Obama (who is black) has taken 10 or more in his 5.5 years in office.

How many vacation days has Obama taken since January 2008 to March 2013?

Most objective sources have placed the total at between 84 and 90, and one source has said 95 days. This is still far fewer vacation days than some other recent presidents (most notably George W. Bush) took at this point in their presidency, but slightly more than a couple of presidents, including Bill Clinton. It should be noted that internet claims that Mr. Obama has taken the most vacation days of any president are false, as are the claims that he spent more money on vacation than any other president. Such claims are usually expressed by partisans on talk shows, and have no evidence to support them.


During his presidency, Barack Obama took several vacations, usually during the summer and winter breaks. However, there is no official count of the number of days he vacationed. According to reports, Obama took around 328 days of vacation during his two terms as president, which is similar to what previous presidents had taken.

How much do the tax payers pay on Obama's vacation and clothes?

The exact cost of President Obama's vacations and clothing during his time in office is not publicly disclosed. However, it is common for taxpayers to cover the expenses associated with presidential travel and security, including vacations. The cost of clothing is typically covered by the individual or through personal funds.

How many vacation days has obama had?

Including his August 2011 vacation, 66 days. [BTW, George W Bush had taken 180 vacation days at this point in his presidency.]

How many vacations has President Obama taken in his first term?

According to most credible sources, he has taken 84 (some say 90) vacation days in his first four years in office. This is not an unusual amount; it is far less than his predecessor, but slightly more than several other presidents. It should be noted that no president is ever truly on vacation-- presidents need to remain in constant contact with their staff so that if there is an emergency, that can take charge immediately.

Who has taken the most vacation days in their first 3 years in office George Bush or Obama?
