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Dogs have been said to have a sixth sense. People claim their dogs can see ghosts and also they canpredict bad weater conditions. If there is a storm your dog will act wierd and maybe even scared for a while.

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Q: Our dog keeps looking up and seems scared of something?
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What do you do when a baby guinea pigs eye is close shut?

If the baby's eye is closed due to a crusty looking substance, then get a clean, soft rag or cloth, moisten it with warm water, and gently rub in a circular motion. If anything else seems to be the problem, such as a swollen or discolored shut eye, contact an available small animal vet, because these symptoms COULD be the signs of something wrong with the eye itself.

Is seems as in My pet seems to be loose. an adverb?

No.Seem is a verb. Seems is the third person singular form of seem. You use seems with pronouns He she it and with singular noun subjects. egHe seems to be sick today.The doctor seems to be late. -- doctor = singular noun subject.

What does lifespan goals mean?

a life span goal is a, well it seems to be self explanatory. a goal is something that you wish you to accomplish and your life span is how long you live, so you could infer that a life span goal is something that you wish to accomplish over the course of your life time

What is an imitation substance used in experiments?

Seems like you're looking for definition 1.b. pla·ce·bo(pl-sb) n. pl. pla·ce·bos or pla·ce·boes1.a. A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to get well.b. An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.2. Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another. source:

How do you tell what a guinea pigs squeaks mean?

These little animals are very boisterous, they will squeal just cause they are happy. You will be able to tell why your piggy squeals the longer you have it. It will learn your routine and let you know what it wants. ie food, water and even attention.It means that they like you or comfortable around you alot or it means that they feel that they are in danger. But when i first got my guinea pig she would shake and squeal that's how i know she was scared or afraid.I got my guinea pig yesterday and she seems very confident when i hold her her name is Roxy and most the time when she squeaks she is happy but sometimes in can mean they think there in danger and scared so be careful just incase! Emma Mackenzie XxX

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nah, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system actually inhibits bladder contraction. the sympathetic response of the autonomic nervous system is in charge of a fright response. It seems contradictory that you pee yourself when scared, I'm looking this up myself

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The action seems unusual and different. Just as people are scared of the unknown, dogs are likely to be scared of it too.

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Well, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, not nature like Persephone. No tree is scared of Persephone because she seems so nice. But Anyway, any tree could be scared of Athena.

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At a nicely named, everythingtrackandfield, they even offer free shipping it seems. Hope it has something you are looking for.

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you should consider the likely hood of chance playing a part in this, because no matter how impossible something seems there is always some tiny fraction of an odd that says it will happen.