

Should you leave a verbally abusive partner?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It really just depends on what he calls you. Are you aware of the fact that he's just "joking" in his point of view or not?


Does he know that he's hurting you by his words? If he does, is he hurting you on prupose? Ask him these things, tell him it hurts. If it makes no difference to him then you have your answer. If he didn't realize how hurt you are, then you two can talk about it. If a couple can discuss these things, then they can work it out and you probably wouln't want to leave him.

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No, it is not illegal to verbally abuse a man, but if the man was smart he would leave. Verbal abuse can leave just as many scars for a victim as physical abuse. There are programs for abused men that they should attend and learn tools in order to get out of the verbally abusive situation. Example: If a wife is verbally abusing her husband and he decides to divorce her and he can prove she is verbally abusing him then the court could press charges against her (highly unlikely) but you would be granted a divorce.

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counseling seems a better first step. find out what is making him so angry all the time and if you are willing to wait for him to get over it.

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Sounds like a dumb idea. Why antagonize someone who is not capable of controlling their anger to the point of physical violence? You simply need to leave.

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Kick them out and if they don't leave call the cops.

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If you leave him, then it doesn't matter what he does. It wouldn't be called cheating if you left him. If he is abusive, then you should leave him.

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It is very common for either spouse to cheat or be verbally or physically abusive and not leave the residence. The only way one can have a spouse leave the home is by seeking legal counsel and filing for divorce.

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If she's of legal age and wont leave ask the police to help after you have given her notice. If she's a minor you can't kick her out.

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The person doing the abusing is always responsible for that abuse. Abusive people always place the responsibility on someone else, and they always will if they can get away with it. If a situation becomes physical, it's always time to leave.

Should you break up with your boyfriend if he makes you feel guilty all the time?

Yes, you should leave the relationship. That is because he is somehow making you change your view of what you do with good intentions to be something wrong. Eventually, you won't be able to do anything right, and you will not feel good about yourself. He cannot be right all the time! Actually, this is verbally abusive behavior and you are caught in a vicious cycle. Read Patricia Evan's book, "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" for further insight.