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There are certain types of slot machines that can be "beaten" every time, given enough time spent, and enough money "invested." However, those types of slot machines are becoming rarer and rarer, and now most of the slot machines have worse odds, and overall, even if you spend the time and money, you will lose overall. Gambling is a game of percentages, and if the odds aren't in your favor, then you should expect to lose. Casinos encourage people to buy such books and to use whatever other fool-proof methods that are being taught. The casinos are some pretty spectacular buildings, and they're all built by the losers. Casinos make money on you, even if you win. If you are one of the incredibly few people who win, they'll advertise about it, trying to convince everyone else that they too can be a winner, that way more people will gamble. Casinos will let you win a little here and a little there, and they do that to make you feel like you have a chance, but the reality is, you're slowly being drained of your money. Your chances of winning big at a casino is approximately the same as being struck by lightning. If you win big at a casino, don't go out in a thunderstorm. Casino companies build big glitzy casinos because they know people will come, play, and lose (most of the time). And the people selling e-books saying you can walk into a casino and beat the slots every time are raking in nearly as much by selling hope, and hype. It's all nonsense. If it were true, they would keep the secret for themselves. I've bought several of these e-books while researching a book I am writing on the subject. So far, every one of them is full of half-truths and outright nonsense. There are some good informative books about how to get the most out of your casino visits, but they include tips about money management, comps, etc. I've been in the slot machine end of the casino industry for over 22 years, and I can tell you without a doubt that there are no 'certain games' that can be beaten every time. Every single slot machine has a built in house edge. Period. This doesn't mean that you can't win. You can, but you should plan on losing every time you play. Then, be pleasantly surprised on those occasions when you do win. == Each and every pull of a slot machine is a random event. There is no such thing as "it has to hit", it is all basically "pure luck", a matter of being at the right machine at the right time.

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Q: Some people have written e-books claiming that you can walk into a casino and beat the slot machine every time - can such information even be considered credible or is it all really just 'pure luck'?
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