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Anglican Church

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Q: The state church started by Elizabeth I in England is known as the?
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How did Queen Elizabeth influence England?

Although King Henry VIII founded the Protestant Church of England, in reality it wasn't that far from the Catholic Church. It was Edward I and more importantly Queen Elizabeth I who really introduced Protestant theology into the Church of England. Queen Elizabeth was known for her religious toleration, allowing any religious group to flourish as long as she was never politically threatened. She was also the queen during the defeat of the Spanish Armada, which signaled a shift in power from Spain to England. The English Renaissance, when Shakespeare wrote, occurred during her reign.

Who was The woman known as the protestant queen?

Queen Mary of England. That's why we have the drink "bloody Mary".

From what religious affiliation had England broken during the Elizabethan era?

The religious divisions during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I were between the die-hard Catholics, the radical Protestants, and the people who wanted a more strict and radical Church of England. Elizabeth herself had been raised as a Protestant.

What church did Queen Elizabeth 1 establish?

She didn't establish the church her father did. He established the Church of England.

Who is the virgin queen of England and how is she related to Prince Charles of Wales?

Queen Elizabeth I who was Queen of England from 1558 to 1603, was known as the "Virgin Queen". Prince Charles is not related to her. Prince Charles is the son of the present Queen of the United Kingdom - Queen Elizabeth II.

Related questions

The church started by King Henry VIII?

If you are speaking of Henry VIII, then that would be the Church of England, also known as the Anglican church.

What is the age known as when Queen elizabeth 1 ruled England?

She was 25 years old and her rule started on November 17, 1558

What did Henry VIII start?

He started the Church of England, or the Anglican Church (known as the Episcopal Church in the USA). He broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, and reformed the church in England, where the Pope was no longer the head of the church but the Crown or King (or Queen) was the absolute supreme head of the church. This period is often referred to as the reformation.

What country did the Church of England start in?

The Anglican Church (the Church of England) is the historical continuation of the Christian Church that was started in the early centuries of Christianity. In the reign of King Henry VIII the Church of England began to separate from being under the jurisdiction of the Pope.

How did they name Virginia after Queen Elizabeth 1st?

Elizabeth I of England was known as the VirginQueen.

Queen Elizabeth of England was known as?

The Virgin Queen

What did the Anglican church of Australia used to be known as?

In Australia, the Anglican Church used to be known as the Church of England.

How was elizabeth i was able to bring a level of religious peace to England?

Queen Elizabeth put an end to Protestant vs. Catholic fighting for authority of the church. It is known as the "Elizabethian Settlement". The Anglican Church allowed people to be both protestant AND catholic. This is still true today.

Is the presibaterian church linked to the Church of England?

There is no connection between the Presbyterian Church and the Church of England, which is also known as the Anglican Church and/or High Episcopalian.

What is Queen Elizabeth I remembered?

She was known for strengthening England.

What is Queen Elizabeth remembered?

She was known for strengthening England.

What change did Henry VIII make?

King Henry VIII changed the church from being catholic in England to being protestant, because he wanted a divorce which the catholic church wouldn't give him but the protestant church would. This was because he wanted a son and his wife was too old to bear him children.