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Top speed for a Crown Victoria police interceptor is 140MPH. This is not because it is all that the car is capable of, it's because it's governed by the vehicles computer and will stop accelerating once it hits the top speed listed on the speedometer of 140MPH. I sell police vehicles for a living. To check out my credibility look up my company on Google: Martel Autos or Martel's Police Vehicles.

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Q: Top speed for a crown Victoria police interceptor?
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Can a transmission from a 2003 Crown Victoria go into a 1997 Crown Victoria police interceptor?

No, I doesnt fit. Check the tail of the 1997 and there is a speed sensor. The 2003 doesnt have it.

What is the fastest Crown Victoria?

my 94 crown Vic police interceptor with a turbocharger on a 5.4 liter engine and an 8 speed tranny it gets about 575 horsepower

What were the problems with the Ford Crown Victoria police interceptor car model?

The Ford Crown Victoria police interceptor car would catch fire after a high-speed rear collision. Also the steel wheels would rust and the rack and pinion steering units would fail prematurely. The weld points in the wheels would come loose.

What is the top speed for a 1998 Ford Crown Victoria with the police interceptor?

It just all depends. Personally I've seen 135MPH, but that doesnt mean one can't go faster.

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It is a corvette police car that chases you when your heat is level 5.

What is a Police car top speed?

EDIT: A Newer crown Victoria Police Interceptor will max out at 120 because of the speed limiter. The older models had drive-line failure during high speed (130-140mph) driving so they added a limiter. (police interceptor crown Victoria's made before 2006 have a speed limiter set at 140 mph) All true Police cars should have a tire speed rating of W (168 mph) so that is not a factor in its top speed. the charger based police cars come in 2 flavors, The wild and crazy 5.7L Hemi V8 and the calm 3.5L V6. The V8 has the speed limiter set at 146mph. The V6 at 137 mph. Also The Chevrolet Tahoe SUV (some areas have them, I know mine does) Has a max speed of a 133mph and i think this is drag limited The Chevrolet Impala police car has a max speed of 139mph with the 3.9L V6 But needess to say it is the wrong idea to run from the cops because if they catch you the circumstances will be worse for you than if you just stopped in the first place. But at 145 mph cops can't read your just keep going (in 5 sec you will be more than 2 miles away already).

Ford Crown Victoria transmission?

The Ford Crown Victoria has an automatic 4-speed overdrive transmission. In 1992, the transmission was redesigned to include electronic controls.

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Fan blower speeds on Crown Victoria?

The blower is a multi speed unit.

Where is the speed sensor for 2001 ford crown Victoria?

on the tail shaft of the transmission

How do you disable the speed governor limiter on a 2003 impala?

You don't disable it. You get a new one. You can buy aftermarket computers that change the speed limiter. Or you can be cheep and buy one from a totaled police interceptor from the junk yard.

Will a 6 speed transmission fit in a 02 crown vic?

No, a 6 speed transmission will not fit in a 02 Crown Victoria. Of course, if you are mechanically inclined, you could make it fit but it would take a lot of modifications to the car.