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Q: Under what proposed bill would each state hold a constitutional convention to create a new state government?
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What was the initial intention of calling Constitutional Convention?

To create a new government

Why did the constitutional convention meet?

To try to create a stronger central government

What was meeting called that delegates worked on to create a stronger government?

Constitutional Convention

In which city was the constitutional convention held the founding fathers met to create a new framework for government?


What was a purpose of the constitutional convention?

The Constitutional convention was called to create and write the law of the land (Constitution).

Why was the Constitutional Convention not called that at the time?

The Constitutional Convention was not referred to by that name because the convention was held to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to create a new framework for the US government. At the time, it was referred to alternately as the Convention at Philadelphia, or the Philadelphia Convention. It acquired the "Constitutional" label later because that it was a more appropriate name for the historic event.

What did the founding fathers hope to achieve as they assembled for the constitutional convention?

a strong government.

How do you use the word propsed consititutional in a summary?

The proposed constitutional amendment did not pass.Voters rejected the proposed constitutional amendment.Unwilling to create more debt, the proposed constitutional amendment was bound to fail.

What was the goal of the constitional convention?

THE Constitutional Convention in 1787 was to replace the Articles of Confederation with a stronger governing document.

What was the one branch of government that the Constitutional Convention created?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was originally intended for the states to revise the Articles of Confederation. However, when all the representatives assembled in Philadelphia, the convention quickly became a meeting on how to create a new government instead of fixing the current one. The Convention led to the writing of the US Constitution and thus, all three branches of the American government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

What were the delegates to the constitutional convection initially supposed to do?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention were supposed to revise the Articles of Confederation, not create an entirely new government. This four month convention in Philadelphia lasted from May 25 to September 17, 1787.

What was the purpose of calling a Constitutional Convention?

The Constitutional convention was called to create and write the law of the land (Constitution).