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That question can only be answered once either socialism has been acheived worldwide so that humanity as a whole can begin a transition to communism (in which case, hellz yeah!) or if humanity destroys itself through ecological destruction, all out war, or whatever else (in case, it wouldn't be on Marxism itself but rather on people for not making the kind of radical change that is needed).

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The Soviet Union was based upon Marx's theories, and it failed, so that probably means that Marx's theory failed. Of course, the people in charge of the Soviet Union could have been corrupt enough to make the Soviet Union fail.

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What is a characteristic of physics that astrology does not have?

Science, as astrology is not a science. Nobody adheres to defined parameters and nobody measures the results empirically. You can but no astrologer does it. Plus all say that a successful prediction is one that is avoided so if you fail you then succeed, get it? In any actual science if your experiment fails it fails; it is not then proof your theory is a law. Astrology is notastronomy.

The actual materials used to create a work of art?

This theory suggest worker is successful based on the components used to create it

How may franchise operations be said to be more successful than independently owned businesses?

Fewer than 10 percent of franchised retail businesses fail during the first two years of operation, whereas approximately half of independent retail businesses fail during that period.

What were 3 criticisms of Karl marxs theory of Communism?

1. It failed to explain how money gets that way - which Henry Miller later explained in his classic essay, "Money And How It Gets That Way." 2. It did not take into account the fact that the majority of people are greedy, illiterate slack-jawed ridge runners with the moral instincts of rutting bandicoots, and that consequently Communism was bound to fail because there would always be Communist bosses (Commissars) who would skim the cream off everything and treat the workers like yellow dogs - treat them in fact worse than the Czar did. 3. There were no jokes or illustrations in it, and no dirty parts.

What is the past tense of fail?

The past tense of fail is failed, the present tense of fail is fail, and the future tense of fail is to fail or going to fail.

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The one who actually died with many successful job and work. (why dead?) because if you are called successful citizen and you exist you'll maybe fail in a work because of believing too early in yourself

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