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A few things you've said are quite alarming: - severe pelvic pain - light bleeding - nausea and vomiting Make a doctor appointment immediately! No one can diagnose your problem online -- even based on the symptoms you provided. You should contact a medical professional/gynecologist for answers to your specific questions and to get an in-person evaluation and any necessary tests or medications. Of course the above poster is correct, but just to put your fears to rest you could have a cyst (non-cancerous and many many can get them) causing this, or, an infection or blockage or endometriosis (I use to have this and it was very painful and came sometimes before or after my periods) and there is now medications for this. It is time to go see your gynecologist and put your mind to rest. Good luck!

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Q: What's wrong if you had severe pelvic pain on both sides for 2 weeks and then had an early period and a few days later had light bleeding with nausea and vomiting?
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No. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, missed period.

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The main symptoms aremissed period,nausea with or without vomiting,tiredness,dizziness,breast changes and breast tenderness, andfrequent urination.The main symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, dizziness, heartburn, missed period, strange food cravings, bloated stomach, mild cramping, gassy, sore breasts and having light implantation bleeding.

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That might be too soon to have any symptoms. The egg just implanted itself in the lining of the uterus. In the coming weeks, some might feel tired, nausea/vomiting, experience implantation bleeding (light bleeding around when period is expected), some period like cramping, and sensitive to smell.

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Yes they are very common pregnancy symptoms. The short early period may have been implantation bleeding. That's when the embryo attaches it's self to your uterine wall and grows into a baby.

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Vomiting typically starts one and half months after the last period. It lasts till three months of last period. Before and after this period, there is nausea for few days. Vomiting is normal in this period. Your doctor will give you few tablets to be taken during this period. They can be taken safely, to prevent the vomiting.

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In addition to a missed period, nausea with or without vomiting, tender, swollen breasts, increased urination, fatigue and food cravings.