

What Five countries have non democracy governments?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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China, North Korea, Cuba..some others..

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Q: What Five countries have non democracy governments?
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Non democratic countries struggling for democracy?

united states and canada

Do nondemocratic countries face corruption?

Oh yes, non-democratic governments are even more prone to corruption than democratic governments are.

Name two non democratic countries who are currently fighting for democracy?

China , Sri-Lanka

Is democracy different from non democracy?

It is not different there is mo such thing as a non democracy

What are the non-democratic countries in Africa?

The only country in Africa with a non-democratic form of government is Swaziland. All the other countries are either republics or constitutional monarchies, which are both democratic governments.

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A transitional democracy is a country that is reletively democratic but shows incomplete signs of democratic consolodations. They fall midway between an established democracy and non-democracy. Countries of this nature include, Mexico, Chile, Turkey, and many African countries.

Which are the countries that have democracy?

There are over 100 countries listed as democracy, although the degree of freedom and government regulation varies. For a non-government review on which countries in the global community are considered "free" democracies and even "partly free" visit: It provides great analysis on countries and an interactive map on which are considered democracies.

Is democracy a prerequsite for development or development prerequsite for democarcy?

A country can develop strongly without a Democracy. Hitler's Germany was very well developed, however there are some non-developed Democratic Governments in Africa so really while development is helpful it's not a prerequisite.

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Maya Stendhal is the CEO of Madison Global Advisors. It is an advisory firm for countries, governments, corporations and non profit agencies.

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