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Q: What achievements occurred during the Golden Age in India that still influence the world today?
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What were two specific achievements made during indian's golden age?

Peace and prosperity were the two specific achievements that were made during Indian's golden age.

What part did religion playing Athenian achievements during the Golden age?

what part did religion play in Athenian achievements during the golden age what part did religion play in Athenian achievements during the golden age I think the person who wrote the above has some mistakes. You just rewrote the questions.

What were the greatest academic achievements during the Chinese Golden Age?

your poo head

What were some of achievements in literature and medicine during the golden age of abbasid rule?

it was the literature of realism and poetry

What were some of the achievements in literature and medicine during the golden age of Abbasid's rule?

it was the literature of realism and poetry

What is an achievements that developed during the golden age of the Gupta empire?

~Universities ~Literature ~Painting ~Sculpture ~Mathematics ~Roads

The Golden Age of Greece was a period in which?

The Golden Age of Greece was a period in which unique and admirable artistic, scientific, political, and other cultural achievements took place throughout the Greek world. While Greek city-states differed in character and quality, a similar spirit of exploration and desire for greatness infused the civilization during its Golden Period. Several of the Greek city-states were most successful in carrying through on these counts; for instance, there were in Athens unparalleled appearances of artists and philosophers and statesmen who left "golden" legacies that still influence the world today.

When was the Aztec golden age?

The Aztec empire golden age occurred during the 1400's and the 1500's. It included the reign of Montezuma II.

What are some cultural achievements made by Muslim scholars?

Muslim scholars made cultural achievements during the golden age under the Abbasid Dynasty. These included calligraphy, architecture, literature, and philosophy.

What is an example of an achievemnt that was made during the golden age of the gupta empire?

The main achievements of the Gupta Empire were in the fields of war and art. Art included their sculpture, painting, literature and architecture.

Three changes in the arts and philosophy during the Hellenistic age?

During the Hellenistic age agriculture was primary, centers for manufacturing shifted, and new opportunities for women. Some achievements in art that occurred were sculptors moved from idealism to a more emotional and realistic art. Some achievements in philosophy were epicureanism, and stoicism.

Byzantine empire golden age?

The Golden Age of the Byzantine Empire is the period from about 641 to 1025. There were various advances in military strength, religious influence, and the arts during this time.