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Q: What adds up to Sucrose plus water plus glucose plus fructose?
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What are the ingredients in coke?

coca cola contains water, sugar and syrupFollowing are the components that used to make coke such as : 1. either high fructose corn syrup or sucrose derived from cane sugar2. caramel color3. Caffeine4. phosphoric acid5. coca extract6. lime extract7. vanilla and8. glycerin.

What is the danger of high fructose corn syrup?

Their is certainly a danger in eating too much high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup adds weight to your body which is bad for your heart.

Which organ adds or removes glucose from the blood as necessary?

The liver is the organ that produces and removed glucose from the blood. The liver also produces insulin that helps metabolize carbohydrates.

What do fructose and glucose bond to form?

They form sucrose . Sucrose, (table sugar). Don't ingest it, fructose is bad for you, it's addictive and makes you fat. Furctose is not necessarily bad for you if it comes from a naturally occuring source such as a whole apple or other raw fruit. The food industry sometimes concentrates this particular sugar and adds it to corn syrup. The result is high fructose corn syrup. This is not a naturally occuring sugar! High fructose corn syrup may not be processed by the body in the same way that other naturally occuring sugars are processed. This is why some believe it causes additional body fat as mentioned above. You should probably avoid this man-made additive found in some in sodas and in some fruit cocktail drinks. Natural fructose is found in the whole fruit which can be found in the produce department of the grocery store (or in the orchard!). The whole fruit contains lots of fiber which helps to mitigate the sugar spikes in your blood. Fruit juice, which is a processed form of the natural fruit, loses much of the fiber content that should be included with any ingestion of fructose. Eat more of the raw fruit and drink fruit juice in moderation. So, in fact, you can ingest small amounts of fructose. It is not bad for you in its natural form if you balance your diet properly. Cane sugar (referred to as table sugar), and black strap molassess can also be ingested in moderation. They are a form of sucrose. Brown sugar is also related to cane sugar and molasses. Glucose is a sugar found in the blood and is necessary for metabolism and energy. It can be bad for your health if it is too concentrated or can not be broken down by the body chemistry. Diabetics often have this problem due to many factors such as insulin resistance. High amounts of sugar can trigger an over production of insulin and this leads to further problems as people age. Table sugar can be found in many processed foods which are usually packaged in a can or box so if you do not cook from scratch be aware that you are already eating table sugar before you hit the sugar bowl! All sugar should be used in moderation and in a properly balanced diet that should include lots of fiber and generous amounts of lean protein, vegatables and other important greens.

Why do house bees chew the nectar?

House bees will swallow the nectar then regurgitate it and hold the droplet at the end of their proboscis before swallowing it again, repeating the process a number of times before depositing it in the honeycomb cell. This serves two main purposes: firstly to help the evaporation of surplus water; and secondly, each time the bee swallows the nectar it adds more enzymes which break the complex sugars down into glucose and fructose, and convert the nectar into honey.

What is the set point for blood glucose?

Your pancreas. It makes and adds insulin to your blood stream to counteract high sugar.

What does photosynthesis add to earth's atmosphere?

Photosynthesis adds Oxygen to our planet, and it givers the plants energy.Its Chemical equation is:carbon dioxide + water =light energy=> glucose + oxygen6CO2 + 6H2O =light energy=> C6H12O6 + 6O2

What happens to water potential if you dissolve a sugar into water?

It adds.

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How does sugar adds to the body weight?

Sugar and other carbohydrates are converted into the simple sugar Glucose, which is then transported throughout the body as fuel. If there is an excess of Glucose beyond the body's needs, enzymes convert it into lipid compounds which are then stored in "fat cells" called adipocytes.

Why doesn't a bowl of water weigh more when you poke your finger into the water?

Because the finger adds weight