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The text set forth in any contract explains its terms. Once the parties have signed all the provisions in the contract become mandatory as between the parties.

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Q: What are Legally Binding Contract Terms?
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What is considered a legally binding document?

A legally binding document is one whose terms can be enforced by a court of law. An example is a marriage certificate and a contract.

By using this company's software, have we entered into a legally binding contract?

Using a piece of software may or may not constitute entrance into a legally binding contract. You should carefully review the terms and conditions that accompanied the software.

what are Difference between a contract and an agreement?

a contract is LEGALLY BINDING, an agreement is not necessarily legally binding depending on the circumstances

What do you meant by contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement.

Can a 12 year old make a legally binding contract?

Yes, a 12 year old can form a legally binding contract.

What can I do to cement an agreement between two parties and make it legally binding?

You can draft a contract that states the terms of sub-letting the office space, and get both parties to sign it. This will make the agreement legally binding.

Can you give at least three examples of legally binding contracts terms?

Legally binding contract terms happen in such situations as when a teacher is teathered to their position, meaning they can't be fires, when a person's rights to remain silent are broken, or when the right to an attorney is issued.

Is the contract for a timeshare legally binding?

Yes, a contract for a timeshare is legally binding. However, the contract usually has an opt out period of at least ten days. The salesperson can also choose to let you out of the contract.

How old must you be to get a cell plan with US Cellular?

A cellular contract is a legally binding contract; you must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract. The answer is 18 years old.

Define offer and acceptance?

Offer and acceptance are required to create a legally binding contract. The offer is contracted and then by signing the contract the other person indicates their acceptance of the terms.

What is legally binding in a employment contract?

Yes, a verbal agreement is legally binding. However it can be difficult to enforce because there is no fixed record of the terms, only the word, and memories, of the parties to the agreement.

Is signing an employment contract with temporary agency a legally binding contract?

Yes, it is.