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An autoimmune disease is caused by the immune system attacking you instead of threats and diseases coming from outside you. In autoimmune diseases, the body makes a mistake and attacks its own tissues.
a condition that causes the body's own immune system to wrongly identify cells as foreign and attack them.

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11y ago

"auto-immune disease is the proper name for AIDS" <<< that is not correct.

The proper name for AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

This statement above is some what true. The proper name for AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. And it is an auto immune disease. There are many types of auto immune diseases. IE: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Crohns Disease, Lupus and many more.

Many more would include type 1 Diabetes, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, and still more yet. An auto-immune disease is caused by an overactive immune system. In some people, when their body has no invasive organisms to attack, it starts attacking its own body. It will attack organs such as the pancreas, the colon, or small intestine. Often times when a person gets one auto-immune disease, they are likely to develop more auto-immune diseases. An example is that one in twenty diabetics will develop celiac disease.

The proper name for AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

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Information about autoimmune diseases can be aquired by scanning medical books or by asking autoimmune diseases experts. Another way would be to use the medical wikipedia.

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How many people in America have autoimmune disorders?

Estimates place the number of people with autoimmune diseases at 1 in 12. In the United States it is 23.5 million according to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association.

Is Systemic Lupus related to Crohn's disease?

Both systemic lupus and Crohn's disease are autoimmune. Autoimmune diseases frequently occur together. There are some one hundred autoimmune diseases. Learn more at