

What are contractions?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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15y ago

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While in labor, contractions are the painful (usually) muscle tightenings of the uterus that help guide the baby into the birth canal. A second meaning of contractions is in English Language, as a literary unit. A contraction is a shortening of two words, such as "can't", "won't", and "don't". Many contractions are often used improperly, such as, when putting a contraction before a pronoun or noun. "Won't he survive?" is an improper sentence, in terms of grammar, because, when lengthened, it becomes "Will not he survive?" when the correct version is "Will he not survive?" So, generally, you should use the third version when using proper grammar.

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Four contractions with "you" in them are:You're - You areYou'd - You would or You hadYou'll - You willYou've - You have

Is and has contractions?

OK, here are some examples. He is or he has = he's. I have = I've. You can't always make contractions 'Is' and 'has' have no contractions by themselves

Can you name contractions with are?

There are several common contractions with "are" represented as "'re": we're, they're. you're.