

What are crunchs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Follow these steps 1. lie down as you would while doing sit ups 2.cross arms across chest 3. rise 3/4 the way to your knees 4. do these faster and do more of them than sit ups

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crunchitize me captain!!!!

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How do you get a 6 PAC?

By doing crunchs

How many crunchs do you have to do in a week to get you thinner?

None, if you eat a 600 calorie diet.

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Crunchs, sit-ups, bicycles, full body crunch

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From what I here from female friends is that the boobs are the first place to shrink with weight loss, so that should come natural. The abs, crunchs, leg lifts, and crunchs withe your knees turned all the way to the left then to the right. this will work your obliques, the side ab muscles. Crunchs - upper absleg lifts - lower abs and hip flexors.

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be on the no carb diet its a great plan i lost over 50 pounds doing it.. Well, added on to that, Do Sprints (such as suicides or any fast paced running). Make sure you jog every other day or so it helps a lot. But mainly try to get about an hour of exercise a day and watch your diet. Not everything you put in comes out ;). Also try Situps/crunchs, weight training, resistance training and maybe hit up the gym and get a trainer.

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as the geopolitical value of paksitan the international players are playing a game in which Pakistan is a groung to achieve their goals they are hijaking the local men minds and their social values under financial crunchs American interests to restrict china Christianity interests to restrict communism Jews wants to restrict the Islamic world order as pk has capability to make it Indian warfares to demolish Pakistan the unemployment and literacy all these issues can be solved through sleep diplomacy that educate the people of Pakistan

How do you do crunchs?

Lay on the floor on your back with your knees slightly bent, lock your fingers together behind your head then raise your head, neck and shoulders slightly off the floor and then back down. Just a slight motion is all that is necessary and when you feel a slight burning sensation in your stomach muscles ( about 15 or 20 repetitions) stop. Allow some time in between sets but repeat 2 more times pushing the burn a little but not to the point of pain. Its amazing how fast it will happen out of such a small movement but over time you will be able to do more and it will take more to feel that burn that tells you that you are starting the building process.

How do you get six pack abs in two months?

YOU gotta wait six pack abs don't come in three days

What activities help kids develop athleticism?

it would depend on your child's agei would use the four comonets of FITTF-flexabiltyI-intensityT-timeT-typeF- have your child stretch before a work out and have a couple of minutes worth of joggingI-decide the weight your child is lifting/pushing/pulling and or his/her speed that is at a mediam rangeT-have your child workout for at least 30-60 mins determend by their age. also, perform these at most 5-7 times a week or at least 3-5. and jog within 15 minsT-jogging, lifting weights, stretching, push-ups, pull-ups, crunchs (half sit-ups), sit-ups,stairs and jumping over 3-12" high steps or blocks of wood

Is it bad to do crunchs 3 times a day everyday?

It depends on how many you're doing. If you're doing 3 sets of 3 crunches 3 times a day, I would say no unless you have some kind of strange medical condition. If you're doing 3 sets of 3,000 crunches 3 times a day every'll injure yourself. Just pay attention to your body and how sore you are. Your abs are just like any other muscle in your body...if you work them too hard you will harm them. If you are just starting out, I would recommend that you work your way up to doing 3 sets of 25 crunches 3 times a day, 3 days a week. When you can do that comfortably, start doing 4 sets of 25 crunches 3 times a day, 3 days a week.

How do you reduce the flab around the navel?

daily drink 3-4 glasses of water before brushing and wile brushing you will be vomantings and then after that don't eat or drink any thing up to 45 minutes then clausal you can eat any thing and before sleep don't eat heavily mostly sweets please avoid sweets you can loose your abdomin in 45 days in a simply way other wise you can ask me question at