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"real" numbers, in any programming language, are actually approximations of what is called a "real number" in math. Basically, a number that can handle decimals - but unlike the actual real numbers, of limited precision.

In Java, the "real" data types are float, and double. double has greater precision.

A "constant" in Java is similar to a variable, but its value can't be changed after it has been assigned a value.

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Q: What are real constants in java?
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The Math class has public variables - defined as final, of course - for the mathematical constants PI and E.

What keyword is used to declare a named constant?

Constant in Java refers to a fixed value that doesn’t change during the execution of a program. The value of constants appears right in a program. It is also known as Literals. We use the constants to create values that assign to variables. Constants can make our program easy to read and understood by others. Java does not directly support the constant. To define a variable as a constant, We use the “Static” and “Final” Keywords before declaring a variable. Hope this helps. Thank you