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:-X that means your lips are sipped :-p stick out your tongue :-$ money coming out of your mouth.

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Q: What are some cool faces to make while texting?
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How do you make texting faces?

Like this: ( . )( . ) Or this: c====3 Maybe even this: ( o Y o )

How do you make cool faces on Facebook chat?

You can find a list of emoticons in related links.

Is it possible to make money from texting?

You can make $ texting if you do it right.

How can you make yourself quit texting him?

by first saving the text and then wait for a while, read it again and then delete it.

How do you make the boy that likes you not to like you?

Ignore them, or simply say when he's talking/texting you "Okay", or "cool". Make sure you seem bored and try to talk to someone else.

How do you make a gun in texting?

__'____ /__.==--" /#(-' ' _'

How do you tell if you are cool?

Stop trying to be cool and just enjoy life as it is while you have it. Being cool isn't as awesome as people make it seem.

Why do people put extra letters in their words while texting or online?

So that people can save time and use them everyday, like e.g. you need to go for a meeting, then you have to send a message to your relative or family member, so you put a few short forms.

Causes of loss off concentration while driving?

Texting, drinking, smoking, eating, singing, applying make-up, juggling, etc.

What to do when a texting convorsation get awkward?

You either change the subject or make up a reason to stop texting.

What is a cool way to spell Sara?

There is Sara and Sarah. Both are cool, but try SaRa or SaRaH or something like that. You can use different type faces (fonts) or whatever to make things look different. If you are writing it, you can add different kinds of flourishes to make it super cool. Different colors are geat, too.

Why cant you text when your crossing the border?

Texting is not allowed while a person is crossing the border because of privacy. This is to make things more safe for others.