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Two key elements to creating a good film script: Creativity and Research.

Watch your favorite movies and then take the time to read the scripts that were written before the first frame was shot. It is important to understand why a film script is written the way it is. A film script is not a novel. A film script is a dense, compact blueprint for making a movie. Movies are expensive to make and you will be the one providing the magical-word-formula that sends hundreds of people into month-long activities. It better be good. If you seriously want to see your story made into a film, you will have to write a compelling story in a professional format.

Several online websites offer scripts for reading -- for free. is one of these sites which offer scripts from previously made movies. Watch the movie and then read the script. This will allow you to understand the power of words, and how each word is literally translated into moving pictures.

One of the best script writers out there is James Cameron. Read the script he wrote for "Aliens" (Google: aliens, script) and you'll understand. James Cameron uses carefully chosen words and rich, painterly scene descriptions to create the movie within your head -- before you even see the film! This is an art in itself. You can feel the passion James Cameron has for his films, reading the script. They're alive and you understand after reading -- that the script MUST be made into a film.

Create the world of your story in your head -- let it develop over time like a fine wine. Replay the scenes in your head, as your characters speak their lines. Run the scenes over and over in your head, until you perfect each scene. Picture a relative saying your lines, A father or brother. Would it sound convincing coming from someone you know? Perhaps you can imagine a favorite actor of yours, saying the dialogue lines. Does each scene blend into the next scene? How does each scene push the story forward? The scene of Ripley being told the Alien planet now has colonists living on it, LEADS her to the next scene where she decides to go there to save innocent colonists (juicy). After deciding to go, it leads to the next scene of her in a marine attack ship, etc.

Jot down important notes and conversations floating around in your head. After several months of letting this world develop you can begin to put the scenes into script format. You must understand the concept of "story". Research what makes a good story via the internet. Remember, lots of patient creativity and lots of research. You can do both at the same time, it's not cheating. In fact, you should write and have fun -- while you learn how to write well. Don't kid yourself though, you should compare your script to movies that have already been made. Does yours stand up in quality and dialogue? Writing a good script is exhausting and takes months.

In most films today, our main character needs something in life and encounters major obstacles and conflict to get it. For example, in "Saving Private Ryan" Tom Hank's character simply wants to find Private Ryan, and goes through several scenes and conflicts to find him. He does, but it costs him his life, and this is entertaining and thought provoking. Also, throughout the film, we think Private Ryan will be some ass, but he turns out to be worth saving. That satisfies the audience. Keep a mystery going throughout your film, and surprise and satisfy your audience at the end. How? Go and research a good film and watch how it is done. In a good film, a question or mystery is put in our laps early in the film, and we are compelled to watch the whole movie until we find the answer at the end.

Be creative. You must write a story that will entertain and make money. This will require a film script that is original and thought provoking. Write the type of film you would like the see yourself. Write the type of story that interests you. If you like romance films, don't write Science Fiction. Again, watch the professionals. There is a quote that applies very appropriately here; "Good artists copy, great artists steal." Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Watch and learn from the professionals. It's only as hard as watching and absorbing!

Most new writers fail at script writing because they do not format the story into proper script style. You must research and fully understand the rules of script writing. Again, lots of online sites for this. Spelling and grammar is beyond important, it's life or death for a script.

Lastly, a common pit for novice writers is dialogue. Good dialogue is difficult, as it should be. Writing believable dialogue is an art. Writing a good, clean, professional script is an art. You must be patient and believe in your story. The story must begin to feel real for you.

This article is only written to raise your interest. Go and visit the professionals and read their advise and tips as they explain the real meat 'n taters of making a good movie script. Have fun -- be creative -- but in the end it should be professional.

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16y ago

Most jokes have a setup and punchline. The setup is the unfunny part of the joke. The punchline is the second part of the joke that is supposed to make you laugh. Try to make the punchline a fitting, yet unexpected conclusion. Example: I can make 30 dollars worth of groceries last for a month. That's because I'm never home! Also, a good exercise is to take 2 random objects and make a joke a about them - e.g. What's the difference between x and y? Or write a top ten list - Why x is better than y. Once you finish your jokes, try them out on your friends and family. Or if you're feeling REALLY brave, try them out at an open mic comedy club in your neighborhood. Good luck! With a pencil that has an eraser

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16y ago

To write a funny song you have to think of something that makes you laugh. Eg you fell over and knocked paint everywhere. Sometimes pain is funny. OR something really stupid. Here is and example start of a song Look at the sun way in the sky Look at it way up high but i don't look at it for to long otherwise i couldn't read this song.

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13y ago

I'm making a movie myself this is what you can do

Write the script

This can take a while but what i do is write a story about it first then write the script based on your story.


You have a choice here you can make a stop animation (pictures) or a recorded one.


You can get a brother or sister or friend to help you with the voices of the characters. You could need several people or possibly you could do it your self.


Now all you have to do is hook it up to the computer and you've got a movie! You could also put a blank disc in your computer and press burn to burn your movie onto a disc and you've got your self a DVD you can watch in bed.

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14y ago

Pretend that you were the one in the script and everything was really happening to you. Or you could try inviting a friend over and act out the skit with imrovistaion (making it up as you go along). If you can't make the other person laugh, than the script is no good and you should try a different line. Good Luck=)

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7y ago

A script is written different from a story. You only write the dialogue and only as much of the setting and action as you have to to get your point across.

Here's an example:

FADE IN (this shows that it's the beginning of your scene)

EXTERIOR, STORE, DAYTIME (this shows where and when your scene takes place)

In a busy shopping center, the store's open sign glows brightly



Inside the store, shoppers browse around

BOB, an older salesman, balding and tired of his job, wanders over

Bob: Can I help you?

SUE, an excited shopper, blonde and eager for bargains, looks up at Bob

Sue: I saw your ad in the paper. Where's the sale?

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14y ago

This is how you answer a playscript or change a story into a playscript.You write it like a play how you are going to plan it.And then you are going to play it for a role play.

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8y ago

The best tip is this: the real writing begins with your re-write.

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