

Best Answer

Alcoholism could be a thing of the past! I just heard on the news tonight that there is a shot now that takes away the cravings for alcohol and it's working quite well. Your doctor should know about it and can give you more information.

To answer your question more directly:

Alcoholism of course causes some good hang-overs and it can affect your job and even relationships with family and friends. Some people can have a few drinks or even get drunk and be pleasant, while others can do the same thing and get quite argumentative and even start fights (males usually do this but women certainly are running a close second). Drinking too much even short-term can cause you to say things to hurt others that you normally wouldn't say and you can lose a lot unless you get yourself in check.

If the drinking goes on it can affect your liver and other organs.

Another AnswerUnfortunately, as of today, alcoholism is alive and well, and damaging lives all around the world. As for short term effects, that's interesting. There are quite a variety of effects:
  • Sick hangover,
  • loss of friends due to offensive behavior,
  • physical harm from a fight,
  • loss of credibility and respect,
  • house burned down from carelessness,
  • onset of a sexually transmitted disease due to drunken behavior,
  • loss of a job,
  • unwanted pregnancy,
  • death caused by any number of stupid drunken behaviors, including but not limited to driving drunk.

Since the decoding of the human genome, there has been speculation that there may, IN THE FUTURE, be a drug that might prevent or "cure" alcoholism. As of today, "there ain't no such critter".

Another AnswerHere are three:
  • Jails,
  • Institutions, and
  • Death.

"Short term" or "Long term" it makes no difference to the disease. A few more effects:

  • Terror,
  • Bewilderment,
  • Frustration, and
  • Despair.

One of the first "effects" or symptoms of this disease is drinking against your own will. In other words, you know that you CANNOT drink any more, and that you MUST stop or you will surely die. You know for certain that you will lose your Wife and Kids, your House, your Car and Job if you drink again....and so, you SWEAR OFF FOREVER! and BY GOD, THIS TIME YOU REALLYMEAN IT!

Then, just as if someone flipped a switch, you find yourself with a drink in your hand, and as soon as you take that first drink, IT takes another drink, and then that drink takes eleven more, etc. etc.

There is a really GREAT old Chinese proverb that states: "Man takes drink, Drink takes drink, Drink takes Man" No better or more accurate description of the effects of the first drink on a Real Alcoholic has ever been written.

The first really horrible effect of Alcoholism is that it is a disease that tells you that you don't have it. It is so convincing that most victims never know what has happened to them until they are lying on an embalming table. Then, of course, it is a little too late.

What started out as "Fun" on the weekends soon becomes a habit. What the he11 ...with Football and Bar-B-Que and friends over on the weekends the beer was only natural. Besides that...everybody drank beer when they were watching football. Didn't they? And...after a hard days work, a man was entitled to his beer. How else were you going to unwind after all that stress and pressure. And on and on and on...The disease begins to have a voice in your head.

Again: What started out as "Fun" became a Habit. Then the habit became an addiction. Then the addiction became an obsession. All the while it is insisting to you that you are NOT an Alcoholic. NO WAY. You can quit any time you want to (but you never seem to want to). In your mind, you know that An Alcoholic is someone who lies in a doorway in urine soaked pants. An Alcoholic is someone who can't keep a job. It's them, but NOT YOU.

Those are just a few of the "Short Term" effects of the disease of Alcoholism.

Even with all the help available today: Thousands of Books, Self Help Groups, Treatment programs, So-called "Cures" consisting of pills and shots, Special Diets, "Mind Control" Gurus......Still, an astounding 95% of Alcoholics die drunk or as a direct result of drinking.*

*There are hundreds of websites dedicated to the study of Alcoholism, and almost all of them agree with this figure. After 20 years of my own study and investigation, I find that it seems to be a world wide fact that 93 to 95% of Alcoholics die drunk or as a direct result of drinking (suicide, car wrecks, pass out with cigarette fires, drunken slip & fall injuries, drunken fights, drunken stabbings etc. etc.). There is a link to one such statistical site in the related links section below.

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