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D: Descendre (descendu)

R: Rester (resté)

M: Monter (monté)

R: Rentrer (rentré)

S: Sortir (sorti)

V: Venir (venu)

A: Aller (allé)

N: Naître (ne)

D: Devenir (devenu)

E: Entrer (entré)

R: Revenir (revenu)

T: Tomber (tombé)

R: Retourner (retourné)

A: Arriver (arrivé)

M: Mourir (mort)

P: Partir (parti)

Le passé compose:

Conjugated form of "avoir" and the past participle.

Conjugated form of "être" and the past participle, which must agree with the subject.

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3d ago

Verbs in French that use "Dr & Mrs Vandertramp" are typically conjugated in the passé composé with the auxiliary verb "être." However, some of these verbs take "avoir" as the auxiliary when they have an object complement. To conjugate them in the passé composé, you need to use the past participle of the verb and the auxiliary verb "être" or "avoir." The avoir/être verb pair in passé composé is formed by conjugating avoir or être in the present tense and adding the past participle of the main verb.

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