

What are the colors in French?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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la couleur - the color

les couleurs - the colors

The following is organized like this: English form - French masculine form (add for feminine form) (add for plural form).

red - rouge(s)

orange - orange*

yellow - jaune(s)

green - vert(e)(s)

blue - bleu(e)(s)

purple - violet(te)(s)

pink - rose(s)

white - blanc(he)(s)

gray - gris(e)(s)**

black - noir(e)(s)

brown - marron*

*Never change form.

**Don't add an "s" for the masculine plural form.

Other notes:

  • You usually don't add an "e" to a masculine adjective that already ends in an "e" to make it feminine.
  • If an adjective describes both males and females, always use the masculine plural form.
  • The final consonant sound is pronounced in the feminine forms but not the masculine forms.
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In French, "colors" is translated as "couleurs."

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"the colors of the Belgian flag" translates as "les couleurs du drapeau Belge" in French. These colors are black, yellow and red, that reads "noir, jaune, rouge" in French.

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The Tricolour.

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In French, the word "colors" (les couleurs) is considered to be feminine.

What are the French colours?

On their flag the colors are red, white and blue.

What colours were created by french people?

colors were created by God!